「Phase 28」Fluffy Pyjamas Battle!

Start from the beginning

"Hinata-chan is auditioning too?"

The three turned to the source of the voice and found Yoshi stood there, smiling. "Ganbayoshi!"

"Good afternoon, Fukuyama-senpai," Mai greeted.

"Good afternoon!" Yoshi chirped back. "If Hinata-chan is auditioning, then that means we're both in it together~."

"You're taking it too?" Hinata asked, to which Yoshi cheerfully nodded.

"A fluffy cute audition for a fluffy cute idol! That's what Asu-chan said."

Hinata grinned. "I hope you're ready for defeat, then."

Yoshi scrunched her nose for a second, then smiled. "Asu-chan's fortune telling said if I stay positive, I'll win!" She announced, "Even if I don't, it's just for fun. So it'll all be okay."

Hinata cocked her head. "So you don't mind if I pass instead of you?"

Yoshi placed a finger to her lip. "I'm still working hard," she said. Her eyes lit up. "Hey, how would you all want to come to see Arisugawa-san with me?"

"Arisugawa-san?" Mai asked.

"Arisugawa Nozomi, the top designer of the pop-type brand Cotton Monster," Tsubaki said, "That's who you mean, right?"

Yoshi nodded joyfully. "Asu-chan said I should try and get a Premium Rare. So I arranged a meeting with Arisugawa-san!"

Hinata flinched. Yoshi was going out to get a Premium Rare, just before the audition?

"We'd love to come!" Mai agreed.

"As long as we wouldn't get in the way," Tsubaki added.

"That makes Yoshi-chan happy! Asu-chan is busy, but now I won't have to be alone~" Yoshi said, with a sing-song tone of voice, "Let's go, then!"

Mai and Tsubaki exchanged glances, then got up. Mai turned back.


Hinata jumped up. "I-I'm coming too!" She shouted, making her way to the three. Surely it'd be okay. Even if she was getting a Premium Rare, Yoshi was acting very nonchalant (well, in Yoshi terms) about the entire audition. Hinata still stood a chance, right?

─── 。゚☽: * .♧. * :☾ ° . ───

The four stood in front of the brand's headquarters. Cotton Monster's base was a small building, surrounded by a large garden with various strange, and colourful plants.

"Pretty," Mai commented, admiring the area. She looked around, trying to take in all the sights... it was like nothing she had ever seen before. Yoshi punched the air, smiling.

"Let's go in!"

Hinata looked at the floor. "You know, it'll be difficult to obtain it," she looked up to Yoshi, "Even I had to try twice before I was considered. I wouldn't underestimate its difficulty."

"Asu-chan also said 'think out of the box, and you'll arrive at the desired outcome'. So, I think it'll be okay!" She paused, "I know I'll be okay!" Before anyone could get another word in, she opened the door. "Hello!!"

At the desk, a woman jumped. She was a young woman, in her late teens. Her hair was sea-green, in a braid.

"G-good afternoon," she greeted. "Fukuyama Yoshi, right?"

"Yep! I brought three underclassmen with me too~."

"Oh?" The lady's eyes travelled to the three, then she smiled. "That should be fine, as long as they don't get in the way."

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