The whole ordeal seemed as if he was abandoned by heaven and Earth. The God punishing him.

In the outside world, he defeat and trample each and everyone already. He already became a person at the peak of food chain.

But, Only in his nightmare.. In his nightmare that he could never defeat..

A sore loser, A pathetic wretch. A stinky foul.

A suffocating helplessness always plunder him, making him even more vicious and dark when he woke up. Slowly but steadily moulding him into the devil he was today.

Eric doesn't know how long he will be stucked in this dark hell.

Countless chain that was filled with ruin binding him tighter and tighter.

Plunging into the murky darkness deeper and deeper...

Maybe one day he would really go insane and be a complete maniac. His sanity has already been worn off...

He really don't know what keep him holding on...

"Eric... Eric.... "

That voice...

'Eric' frantically look around for that voice...

He was already numb to all the things in his phantom.

But right now Eric was scared.
Scared that the owner of the voice would leave him again.

Scared that 'That' person would feel disgusted of his dark murky place...

'Where are you? Do-don't leave.. Don't leave'

Eric want to scream..

But like always he has no voice... His mind desperately yelling. Making him after five years of never struggling from the binding chain struggle again.


The more he heard the more he struggled, trying to free himself.

Through the myriad of his struggle, 'someone' who he can't see the face clearly as that person was shrouded with a beautiful light came towards him.

The moment that person touch the chain that bind him, the chain dissolve into thin hair.

His bloodied mangle hand was grab.

'Follow me and don't let go'

She said.

Eric nod muddle-headed.

His grip getting tighter afraid that she would abandoned him.

The dark energy fading in the background.

She brought him to a green meadow, a beautiful paradise filled with tranquility.

He has never been to such a beautiful place in his dream.

'Its alright now.. I'm here'

She said.

'Will you stay with me forever? I feel so lonely... I'm scared ,what if those phantom came and try to take me away again?'

Eric said with a spoiled and yearning tone after finding his voice.

Why did he start acting so intimately?

He don't know. All he know is this person must be with him for eternity. Cannot let her leave, absolutely cannot.

He wait in anticipation.

Anxiety, Eagerness, Trepidition.. All kind of emotion mixing up waiting for the answer. An emotion he hardly felt.

'Eric wake up! Eric.. Eric..... '

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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