|16| 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚜𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚎𝚛✔︎

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As Harper's body sailed through the air, her hair whipping around her face as she fell. His screams of agony engraved into her mind as she dropped to her demise.

For once in her life Harper accepted death. She accepted the fact that she wasn't going to see the sun rise or get to live another day. She was content. As she plummeted Harper finally felt free. The responsibilities that came with being Artemis was not holding her back anymore. She made a name for herself, a legacy. The one's she loved would know her story and they would pass it on. They may be broken over her departure but her memory would never fade.

All her past accomplishments, every memory, every smile, every tear. All her sorrows, all her happiness, flashed right before her eyes.

But just like that. It was over.

She felt arms entangle themselves around her.  One arm wrapped around her back and the other under her knees. The unknown figure who saved her from splattering across the sidewalk, their grip tightened as they sailed through the air. The wind clawing at their skin.

In a blink of an eye, she felt herself  being shielded by her saviour's body as they crashed into a car. Harper flinched as glass shards flew everywhere.

She shakily got off the person who saved her. Her head turned slightly as she was faced by a young boy with pale skin, black midnight hair and a superman shirt that clung to his torso. Harper grew confused at how he had managed to reach her, there was no way some average person could of
done what he did and remain unscathed.

Did he...fly?

Dick watched through tear stained eyes and a shattered heart as he saw her body crash into the car. He was certain he had witnessed his love die. Kory staggered to her feet as she gently grabbed the man who looked seconds from jumping after the brunette. He was broken. With one arm wrapped around his back and the other grasping his arm, Kory practically dragged the man away from the window ledge and down to where they would have to come face to face with the aftermath.

Harper groaned as she helped the boy off the car's roof. Glass littered the road and the dent in the roof of the car was unfixable.

" Thank you" Harper spoke, her voice shook as her eyes held so much gratitude and relief as she thanked the boy infront of her. She was so ready to die, but he had saved her. This boy who was clueless to everything, even his own name.

He smiled at the brunette, his eyes sparkling. He felt accomplished, that he'd finally did something right.
" You're welcome. I'm just glad I could help."

" Who are you?" She questioned. She didn't know who this boy was but the symbol on his chest and the fact that he had saved her from like 30 feet in the air brought a wave of confusion and a variety of questions. Ones he could not answer.

" I'm not sure, not yet." He replied. Harper nodded. The young boy smiled at her, the smile so warming Harper grinned back.

Both smiles were wiped clean off of their faces as gunshots rang from behind them.  Harper lurched forward as the boy stumbled back and into the car as he slid down to the road, bullet holes in his chest.

Harper cried out as she dropped to her knees beside the boy, her hands pressed over his chest as she tried to stop the blood flow.

She heard her name being called out but Harper didn't move, her eyes were solely focused on the boy dying in front of her. The boy who saved her.

" Harper!" Dick's hoarse voice rang out. Him and Kory ran out of the building and when they didn't see Harper's body displayed on the sidewalk, hope settled in. " Harper!"

Harper's head shot up as her horrified eyes met the relieved ones of Dick and Kory's.

Dick didn't even have time to process that Harper was alive and safe before the brunette was yelling at them with  hands stained red.

" Please, we need to help him . He saved my life. "

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