Chapter 52: Crazy In Love

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I'm woken up from the feeling of my phone vibrating in the pocket of my jacket. The room once had sun shining in here, now it's pitch black. I still have Vanessa wrapped in my arms, and I look down to see if she's still sleeping. I slowly take myself away from her, trying to make sure I don't disturb her.

By the time I get off the bed, and out of the room my phone stops ringing. I close the door over on Vanessa, and take out my phone to see a few missed calls from Janet. I turn on the hallway light, and call her back.

"Michael!" She answers.

"What's wrong? Is everything ok?" I ask quietly through my hoarse voice.

"Yes, everything is fine here, but what's going on?! I've been worried about you and Ness. You said you'd let me know when you find her."

"Yeah, sorry." I rub my eyes and forehead. "Ness is ok... we're at her mom's house. What's the time?"


"Ness wanted to lay down earlier, and we both fell asleep. Sorry, I didn't realise it was so late."

"That's fine, as long as you're both ok."

"Is Jessie ok?"

"Yeah, but she was asking for you earlier."

I sigh and run my hand through my hair.

"Thanks for looking after her today. Vanessa is still sleeping, so I'm gonna stay with her tonight. Do you mind taking Jessie to school tomorrow?"

"No, that's fine."

"Thanks. I'll be back tomorrow."

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow."

We say goodbye and hang up.

I quietly walk back in to Vanessa's room, and see she's still fast asleep. I slowly lay back on the bed, and wrap my arm around her, staring at her beautiful face. I stay like this for a little while, and watch her sleep.


I hear quiet sobs and sniffling, waking me up from my sleep. I look down at Ness, and see she's crying.

"Hey." I croak, and tuck her hair behind her ear so I can see her face.

"I woke up, and for a second I forgot about everything..."

I kiss her forehead and keep her close to me, comforting her while she cries in to my chest. Her sobs quiet down, and she takes herself away from me.

"Whats the time? I need to see Ashton..." She sniffs.

I take my phone out of my pocket, and check the time.

"It's 9:15."

"Fuck, I've slept for hours..." She frowns and sits up.

"You were exhausted, you needed it."

"But Ash needs me. I shouldn't have slept for that long." She says, standing up.

"Come back to mine, have a bath and something to eat. I'll put a clean bandage on your hand, and then you can see Ash-"

"No, I can't. I need-"

"Ness." I give her a look. "Just slow down a second."

She frowns, and I stand in front of her, taking hold of her arms.

"I'll drive you back to mine, and as soon as I've changed your bandage, you can see Ash, ok?"

"I can drive." She shakes her head.

"Are you going to be ok driving?" I frown.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." She nods. "I'll follow you back."

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