Chapter 14: You're A Good Man

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Through the movie I feel Michael look at me a few times, probably to make sure I'm still awake. I haven't been paying much attention because I'm thinking about my mom, and I also feel weird sitting with Michael like this. I mean, it's nice, but it's weird too. A good weird.

"That was so good!" Jessica says, as the movie comes to an end.

"You've seen it a thousand times." Michael laughs.

"Yeah, but it's still good!"

Michael makes a face, and turns the TV off.


"Ooooh, can't I stay up a bit longer with Ness?"

"It's already past your bedtime. I told you we could watch a movie before bed, and we did that. You have school tomorrow."

"Ooooh." He frowns.

"Say goonight to Ness." Michael says, standing up.

She sighs, and gives me a hug.

"Goodnight Ness." She mumbles, sounding upset.

"Goodnight." I smile, and rub her back.

She pulls away from me, and stands up, looking down at the floor as she pouts her lips. She really doesn't want to go to bed yet.

"Hey, come on Miss Sulky." Michael says, picking her up.

I smile, watching him carry her out the room. She waves at me, and I wave back at her. Bless her.

I lay back on the sofa, and take my phone out. I sigh, putting my phone down, and close my eyes. I'm really tired. Last night has taken it out of me. I sound so old!

10 minutes later Michael walks back in to the living room.

"You still have a hangover?" He laughs softly.

I open my eyes, and look over at him.

"No, I'm just tired." I smile.

He walks over to the sofa and sits next to me, but in the same position he was in when Jessie was sat between us. He turns the TV back on, and flicks through the channels.

"How was the tea party?" I show a little smile.

"Good." Michael nods, and smiles. "We kind of ate all the cake though... sorry."

"Oh, thanks!" I chuckle.

"You missed out, and I did say you could join us."

"Yeah..." I smile slowly. "Maybe I will next time."

Michael picks something to watch, and puts down the remote before looking at me.

"How was your mom?"

It's really sweet he's asking about my mom.

"She's ok. She wasn't in the best mood today." I shake my head. "She fell over last night, and bruised her leg."

"Oh... is she alright?"

"Yeah, it wasn't serious. It was lucky her carer was there to help her. My brother was asleep, so he knew nothing about it."

Michael nods.

"And he's 16, right?"


"I didn't know your mom had a carer?"

"Well, she never used to because I was always her carer, but I couldn't do it all in the end. I was trying to care for her, and work at the same time. I had to pay bills, and pay for her medication, which isn't cheap. She started to get worse, and that's when I thought about getting her professional care. I didn't have the money though, until I found this job."

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