Chapter 41: Sandcastles

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"I want to go in the sea!" Jessie says excitedly.

"You can after I've put sun cream on you." Michael says, trying to bring Jessie back to him. "Stop moving around."

She sighs as Michael helps her take off her denim jacket. He takes off his sunglasses and kneels in front of her.

"Hurry!" Jessica moans.

Michael rolls his eyes and takes off her summer dress, so now she's in just her swimming costume.

"Daddy..." She frowns.

"Do you want to get sunburn?" He gives her a look, picking up the sun cream.

"No..." She pouts.

"You'll go red, like Sebastian from the Little Mermaid." I raise my eyebrows.

"Yeah, you wanna look like a crab?" Michael raises an eyebrow.

Jessica rolls her eyes and smiles slowly, then Michael dabs sun cream on both of her cheeks, and on the tip of her nose which makes her giggle. He smiles, and carefully rubs it in to her face before rubbing some on her arms and legs.

I wouldn't mind Michael rubbing sun cream over my body...

"I think you've put enough sun cream on her Mike." Janet giggles.

"You can never be too careful... I want her to be protected from the sun."

Janet shakes her head and looks at me.

"Turn around." Michael orders.

Jessica sighs and pulls a face as she turns around, letting Michael rub sun cream on her neck and shoulders.

"Daddy! Come on!" Jessie moans.

"Ok! You're done now." He says, standing up.

I look up at him, watching him pull off his leather jacket. Mmmm... he's so fine. I should really stop staring at him and look at the sea or something, but I can't take my eyes off him. I'm enjoying the view.

My mouth unintentionally opens when I see him pull off his white t-shirt. I want to jump on him and lick his chest. Now he's taking off his belt... of Lord. I think I'm starting to sweat, but then again it's a hot day. Whew. I need a fan or something. I look away and see Janet staring at me. Oops. I clear my throat, feeling my cheeks heat up, and look down at the sand.

"Let's go, let's go, let's goooo!" Jessie smiles.

Michael takes Jessie's hand and they walk off towards the sea. I watch Michael's bum and the way his hips move as he walks. Mmmm, those blue trunks cling to him so well. His hair shines as the sun hits down on him, and his curls blow against the sea breeze. He's the definition of beautiful.

I smile, watching Jessica run in to the sea. Michael splashes her and she splashes him back. They're so cute, and they look so happy. It really warms my heart seeing them having fun like this.

"Why don't you go join them?"

I take my eyes away from them and look at Janet. She's smiling widely with raised eyebrows.

"I might take a dip later." I smile.

We get talking about how we've both been, and how our weeks been, and just have a general chit chat for a little while.

I glance over at the sea, watching Michael lift Jessie in the air and splash her back in to the water. I smile, seeing her giggle and having fun. They have such a great father and daughter relationship, and it's nice to see them both so carefree, especially Michael.

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