"Fuck you," Kellen spits, his hand resting at his back like he's about to grab something.

Oh, fuck.

Jamal wrinkles his nose at the kid but turns his towering gaze on Marcel. "Yeah, cus, thought you weren't picking sides."

I'll give Marcel credit, he's holding his ground well. Facing off against Vipers can be stressful enough, but when it's family, I imagine that's a lot fucking harder. I couldn't do it. I couldn't look at Kade or Cassie as if they were my enemies. But Marcel hasn't even blink at the daggers they glare his way.

Marcel crosses his arms as the sirens get closer. "Who I deal with is my business. Now get the fuck out of here before your asses wind up behind bars again."

At the mention of bars, Diego's eyes flash with concern and he looks at Vince, but their leader for the night doesn't seem worried.

Narrowing his beady eyes, Vince looks over his shoulder at Lexi's house. "Maybe we wanna hangout. Got any hot bitches inside?"

He watches each of us carefully and it takes everything I have not to flinch. The idea of him even getting close to the front door is enough to make rage roar in my ears.

Seeming satisfied by our lack of response, Vince's twisted features shift into a look of growing boredom. "Should've known you motherfuckers would disappoint with your lame high school parties and weak pussy. Got better sluts back at the club." He looks at his goons and tips his head toward Marcel. "Let's get going...grab him."

Diego and Jamal step forward and it's like everything happens in the blink of an eye. Kade and I both dart to stand in front of Marcel, blocking them, but it's Kellen who steps up beside me and draws a pistol from his jeans.

The kid points the gun in Diego's face and sneers. "Think again, bitch."

I watch him from the corner of my eyes, and tense. My pulse bangs through my veins at a hundred miles an hour.

Diego's eyes shoot open wide, and he stumbles back with his hands raised. "Alright, alright. We'll leave...this time."

Vince's eyes burn with rage but he's already backing into the shadows, ready to leave his backup behind. Jamal's not much better, walking back faster than his cousin.

Diego slowly tracks in the same direction as the other two snakes, but his eyes narrow at Marcel. "This ain't over, cus."

None of us move, even after they're gone from sight, not until we hear the sounds of motorcycles starting in the distance. And the timing couldn't be better. Blue and red lights flood the street as a firetruck and cops turn onto the road.

Before they can reach us, Kade strides over to Kellen and snatches the gun from his hand. "Are you fucking insane?"

All the fury leaves Kellen like it was never there, to begin with, his bloodshot eyes going back to that dazed appearance as he shrugs. "Maybe. It worked though."

Kade shakes his head at him, but the kid has a point. We would still be facing off with those fuckers right now if he hadn't scared them off.

"Everyone inside, now," Kade barks just as the authorities pull up.

"Everyone inside, now," Kade barks just as the authorities pull up

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Kissing My Ex ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora