Who is he???

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Ch - 3

The next morning I woke up after a good sleep, as yesterday I don't have to go through that pain.

I saw my roommate is still sleeping, but we have to gather in the assembly after half an hour. I shrugged my shoulder and move to the washroom. We are allotted a washroom in every room.

So, there's at least no problem with standing in lines. After freshen up I come outside wearing a full sleeves red chiffon Kurti with black jeans.

I take a jacket also as it is cold outside. Wearing my specs, I tie my hair in a bun and look at my roommate who is still sleeping.

Should I wake her up, but we never talk before. I think for some time and says, "Iris, woke up otherwise you will get late for the assembly. "

She is not responding I shake her shoulder a little and says, "Iris." She turns to the other side and says, "leave, don't irritate me. ".

I shake my head and leave for the assembly. After some time we all are settled on the bus. I prefer the last corner seat. And look outside the window.

But after some time, I cursed my fate because it's going to happen again in front of everyone. I close my eyes and scream .. "Aahhahhhhh aaahhhhhh"

I fall from the seat while screaming. The girls look at me with a horrified expression. Our teachers come towards me and made me sit.

They keep patted my back and ask me what's happening. After some time I relax myself and takes a deep breath because it is stopped.

One of my teachers hold my hand and says, "why didn't you check with some doctor? What actually happening with you.? I know some great doctors, you should go to them. "

I smile at myself because I know, that no doctor in this world can fix this pain. There's is no painkillers are there in the market for my pain. It's an incurable pain.

Just then I heard someone says, "she is psycho ma'am. " Teacher asks them to keep quiet and move towards their seats.

I look outside the window, we are on some road near the forest. But it's beautiful. Just then I feel that I saw someone outside.

I turn back to see but can't see anyone

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I turn back to see but can't see anyone. Suddenly our bus stop in a jerk. And I heard a gun firing. What is this? All are looking scared.

I get up from my seat and saw someone shot the driver. Just then some men, broke the door all are cover their faces with black pieces of cloth.

The Enduring Love ✔( Completed) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin