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※Sasuke POV※

(L/n) (G/n) didn't concern me until Saturday's events. Besides earlier in the day when she wouldn't stop pissing me off, I grew very curious about the girl. Ever since she decided to take a pill, she began acting strangely. At first, I thought she was trying to mess with me, seeing that's something she's constantly doing. Only when she blacked out right after she exited the vehicle did I realize she wasn't making one of her jokes.

Though, her passing out wasn't what really brought her to my attention, no. She was very overdramatic with her 'jammed finger', her completely wiping out still surprised me. To be honest, I was annoyed at first. That is until the concerning part of the story happened.

I remember it vividly. Her expression was filled with pain. That's when I truly believed her finger was hurting, regardless of her being dramatic or not. Her breathing was uneven and choppy, too, which gave me a reason to think she was going to have some sort of attack. Only when I lifted her head did something very weird occur.

As soon as I lifted her head to make sure she hadn't damaged it more than it already was, her breathing changed. That was the first thing I noticed. Suddenly, it sounded like a normal person's breathing rate when they're asleep. It wasn't as loud, and her intakes weren't as short and aggressive. She sounded... peaceful.

The next thing I caught was her temperature, which caused me to look up to her head so I could check how warm she was. That's when I noticed her expression suddenly... looked calm. Her eyes were tightly shut as they were before, but her forehead wasn't creased, and whatever tension that was trapped in her muscles had magically disappeared. Her forehead was still hot, though.

My first thought was, does she have a fever? I quickly dismissed that when I rethought how all the symptoms for a fever ended in a snap. I spent a good minute reflecting and analyzing everything, trying to draw some sort of scientific conclusion that could explain all of this. Nothing did.

I decided to ponder about the event later. I had to get this disaster into the house and somehow contact one of her family members to come and pick her up. Reluctantly, I lift her up (yes, bridal style for those of you who were wondering). Upon carrying her, she dropped her little kit causing all of her items to spill out.

Great, another thing I have to get, I sighed to myself after bringing her inside the house. My mother walked in to greet me and immediately noticed the girl knocked out. Since she had a normal state, nothing raised any red flags. I set her on the couch while my mother went to treat her to the best of her ability. As Naruto and Sakura were freaking out (Naruto coming up with very strange accusations), I went back out into the garage to clean up her stuff.

She had money, keys, earbuds, a phone, and other items girls consider 'necessities' lying around on the cold floor (some are real necessities, some were clearly not). I came across a medicine bottle. This must be her Advil or Ibuprofen she used to ease her 'extreme' finger pain.

Well, I thought it was a common painkiller. I rotate the capsule, curious to see which pain reliever it was. It was neither. I don't remember everything I caught, but two things that remained in my mind were 'Emergency' and 'CPS'.

What do those mean?

I didn't pay attention to those words when walking back to the couch. I place her items on the table next to her. Unsure of what to do, knowing I'd get scolded by my mother for leaving and going to do my own things, I sit in the chair next to the girl and spare a look. My brows furrow at her sight.

Did she have a fever again?

Her face was contorted, evidently showing she was in pain. Her breathing was once again staggered and hitched now and then. Her skin was starting to glisten, meaning she was getting warm. I checked her temperature and since the last time, it was warmer.

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