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※(Y/n) POV※

The car is beyond silent. Not that I minded it. I'd rather it be quiet right now, especially with my head pounding over and over and over. I feel it burning. Everything burns. My eyes strain whenever a bright light passes by the window, adding more stress, a pressure forever building. Loud noises deafen me, ears ringing endlessly.

My body is weak, too weak to hold itself up much anymore. I lean against the window, staring at the darkness around my feet under the dashboard. It doesn't hurt my eyes any. It's surprisingly relaxing.

Flashes of everything pop into my mind here and there just as I feel like dozing off. The nightmares of memories. Each moment terrifies me again and again until I have to hug myself, look out the window, and breathe in order to remind myself that it's over. Even if I'm not okay.

It doesn't keep me calm for long, though.

"Are you okay?" Sasuke asks, breaking the silence. He knows it's a stupid question, but it's more for comfort rather than confirming the obvious.

I barely look at him, feeling my strength slowly drip away like the drops of water on a broken faucet. All I'm able to do is nod.

"Is anybody home?"

I shake my head. My brother was out with some friends like he is every weekend, and my dad told me he was working a late shift tonight. How that all lined up for me to be completely alone at home after such a disturbing event, it seems like more than a coincidence.

I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. At least not until Dad gets home.

"Can you call them?"

I shake my head at that as well. Knowing Kaito, he'll think it's a joke. Dad, however, will overreact. He needs the rest of his night to be peaceful. I don't need to alarm him. Besides, he'll come home anyway, no need to rush him. I can't bother him after an extra shift of work.

Sasuke sighs. I have no idea what's on his mind right now, but all he needs to do is focus on driving so he can go home, or keep partying. All he's going to do is drop me off which is best for me.

Maybe I deserve to be alone. I got him into this mess all because I didn't do anything to get the guy off of me. It's all my fault for not doing anything, and now here I am with Sasuke going out of his way just to drive me home.

Why am I just in everyone's way? Without me, people's lives would be so much easier. It would be so much better.

"I'm sorry." I feel my throat close on me just when I try to speak. I hurt so much. "I'm..."

Sasuke comes to a stop at a red light, which was timed perfectly for us. He turns to me with a brow raised, obviously confused. I didn't even flinch, scream, cry, or do anything to alarm him at that moment. His eyes study me intently. "Why do you keep apologizing?"

Using all my energy, I lift my head off the window to turn to him, meeting his questioning gaze. "I-I'm just sorry!" I gasp, trying to keep all of my tears from spilling. "I'm so s-sorry!"

"H-hey! You didn't do anything wrong, so you shouldn't—"

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this!" I say through gasps of shaking breaths. "I'm s-so sorry."

"What are you talking about?" he asks, growing more and more perplexed.

"It's all my fault. I-It's all my fault this is happening!"

Sasuke says nothing as he just looks at me. His eyes read everything: he doesn't understand. I don't know how he couldn't. Doesn't he blame me for all of this? Isn't he annoyed he had to step in and take me home? Why doesn't he just agree with me?

𝐀 𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐎 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐄 ━━ S. UCHIHAWhere stories live. Discover now