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"I said," Sasuke starts, already annoyed with me. "Did you want to do anything?"

I raise a brow. "Why?"

"Because those two will be at it for a while."

"How long is a while?" I nervously ask, not really wanting to know the answer.

"Depends. Hours, maybe."

I stare in shock at the guy who still hasn't torn his eyes from the screen, no surprise he's not interested in me. I gawk at the time frame. Hours? He's kidding. Not only the anger lasting that long but the stamina... I can't even imagine.

"I don't really like repeating myself."

Did he say anything? I didn't zone out again, did I?

He clicks a button on his controller that apparently paused the game. He stands up and starts walking away, leaving me in utter confusion. Just before he strolls down the stairs, though, he looks straight to me with a look of annoyance as he rethinks everything having to do with me. "You coming or not?"

"W-where are we going?" I ask in alarm, standing up and glancing at my stuff.

He rolls his eyes and walks down the stairs. "Just come on."

"But—" I cut myself short, realizing I'm getting nowhere. A thought flashes through my mind as I judge whether or not it would be smart to follow Sasuke. Not that I can do any work for me and Sakura's project, or have anything else to do for that matter. Ah, what the heck, Sasuke's not a rapist... At least, dear Jashin, I hope not.

I shake the unusual idea aside and subconsciously grab my 'emergency kit'. It's a small pouch for girl problems, money, backup stuff, but mainly to cure me in case the CPS takes action and I'm not near any sort of aid. More for emergency purposes but nothing meant for serious occasions.

You probably are wondering why I'd bring my emergency kit, which from now on I'll call it the EK, for just downstairs. Well, again, if CPS starts blaring its sirens, I'd rather my medicine be 5 feet away from me than having it chilling on the second floor. You never know how bad the pain or numbness can be...

After recollecting myself, I hop up from the ground, take one more glance at my stuff, and softly hop down the stairs to the main floor. Sasuke is nowhere to be seen, and I'm lost for the second time in the same house today. Once I reach the last step, I notice someone approaching me in the corner of my eye. It was Mrs. Uchiha. My immediate reaction to her is a smile. The woman appears to be carrying a tray of snacks.

"Hello," she greets with a small grin.

"Hi, Mrs. Uchiha."

"Mikoto, I told you this," she jokes.

"Oh, sorry. Hi, Mikoto," I redo.

"I made you guys snacks. Will you guys be upstairs, or do you want me to set this somewhere else?"

I bite my lip. I'm sure she's used to Sakura and Naruto making an appearance at one of their best friend's house often. Did she not hear them earlier stampeding down the stairs? "I... I don't—"

"We don't need it," the guy who supposedly disappeared for a few seconds said.

"Oh?" She tilts her head at her son. "How come?"

Sasuke didn't need to answer. Naruto sped past us with a girlish scream that went through seven different voice cracks all while tears poured from his eyes. Sakura charges after him with a new weapon with her that itself scares the shit out of me. Do I wanna ask where she got that umbrella from?

𝐀 𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐎 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐄 ━━ S. UCHIHATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang