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Disclaimer: the next two chapters are for fun! I wanted to test perspective transitions while also trying at a stereotypical Ino. Nothing super-duper important happens, so read at your leisure.

Sasuke and I haven't spoken a word to each other for the next two days. During breaks, before school, after school, during lunch, in the halls, or even during the study session we had. Actually, he didn't show up that night at all. Not like it would matter. He's smart enough to pass these finals with flying colors. He doesn't need any help.

It's like he always says.

To be honest, it even hurt to see him during school. Whatever hole that I thought was empty was just filled with spikes that would expand whenever I saw Sasuke. I didn't understand—I don't understand why I feel this way. We had only been friends for a short amount of time.

Why does it matter so much what happens to our relationship?

Naruto did his best to try and get Sasuke over to me and vice versa to converse, but it seemed fate was against us. The teacher called one of us, one of our friends had news, fangirls, Ryuken, homework, cleaning duties, even Kaito when he told me to hurry home and something had happened (nothing happened, he was just being an ass).

I should be thankful that it didn't totally distract me during finals. I told you the very first day you came into the story that Hinata and I could pass those tests easily two weeks before we had to take them.

A week has passed since our argument, leaving us on the next Saturday, the beginning of summer break. Sakura had a solution to get my mind off of the Sasuke for the day, or to get him off hers. After all, we have a party to look forward to.

That's right. Ryuken's celebration is tonight. Though I had already said yes, I can't help but feel bad. Sasuke and Naruto are so against me going, just me being there hurts me enough. It feels as if going to the party in spite of my friends wishes makes me scum. No, those who abandon and betray their friends like that are worse than scum.

This is a bad idea.

This morning, Sakura said to be ready to go out.

At first, I was confused about what. Why would I need to go out this Saturday if I was going to a party later tonight? My brain started working for the first time (like it should). When she appears at my front door, looking dressed up to go out, I finally start connecting the dots. She's not alone, though. On either side of her are Hinata and Ino, also looking dressed for an excursion.

"U-uh, hi, guys," I beam, waving an awkward hand at them.

Before two of the girls even got to respond, Ino rushes in front of me and grabs my hand. A worried look sparkles in her eyes. My first thought is she knows about the fight. I was very much wrong. "So, Hinata tells me you've never been to a party before?"

Of course. "Um, n-no, I've, uh, been to one before..."


"It was at Hinata's."

"Hinata! You've had a party and didn't invite me to it?" she exclaims, whipping around to the jolting girl.

"It was a family celebration. (Y/n)'s like my family, so she came. I wouldn't call it a party, t-though..."

I gape at Hinata for blowing my cover. Ino is that girl alongside Sakura. More extreme in social gatherings and cosmetics. As soon as she hears some girl that's a friend of her friend but not hers, she flips out. Now that Hinata spilled the beans, it looks like I'm going to be in for one hell of a joyride.

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