Important Note

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It came to my attention that people in Nigeria are being murdered for protesting.. innocent people and no one is doing anything about it.. and as a black woman/girl I have to share the light on this because everyone needs to know.

My wifi isn't working right now so I cant really send any links or research at the moment. But I'll share what I know.

Please vote blue. Many lives are at danger if trump gets re-elected. Please. I'll lose my own rights. I wont even be able to get married.


Please sign as many petitions if you can.. if your broke.. share them! I don't really know much to do with these problems but we have to do something.

And... also I'll try and put a petition when I can, okay?

Thank you. 💖

We need to bring peace around the world. Everyone needs to be welcome no matter what skin color, what sexuality, what gender. We should all be equal. And first we have to care about each other so please— vote blue if your at the age of voting and please help Nigeria. Thank you.

I'll try to explain more when I can :)

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