Someone I Knew Before 2 (Rantaro)

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ima just say you're shorter than him
The sun was shining in my face, my eyes looked down to the ground. I was sitting in my friend's car. I was so tired. It was summer break and I finished all my books, so I should be going back to the library soon...

I don't want to though, I just want to sleep all day. But... I have to get up and go.

I opened the car door and walked into my friend's house. My friend's name is Tsumugi. (hehehehe). Tsumugi and I are both anime weebs, and we like reading books and hanging out most of the time.

"Hey, Y/n." She smiled, lifting her glasses off her nose while looking at her laptop.

"What are you watching..?" I asked, walking behind the chair she was sitting in to look at what she was watching.

"The same thing... I was watching earlier Danganronpa." Tsumugi looked at me and smiled awkwardly. "I don't think you would like it though.."

why does it sound so familiar.?

"I like any anime honestly, so I'm opened for anything else." I replied, "I have to go to the library though.."

No response...

She was focusing on her anime more than our conversation so I guess it was really .. good. I looked at my backpack and looked through it until I found my books. I left her house and drove my bike to the library again.

The same library, the same smell. I held my books and saw the same guy.  Ratar- I mean Avocado. Speaking of him, I haven't texted him yet.. because I'm pretty nervous. I mean I've seen him a lot... at the library.

"Ah, we meet again." He smirked, scanning the books and putting them away. He leaned on the desk.

"Yeah.." My voice trailed on. A light blush came across my face. He patted my head and walked away from the desk (thingy).

"How about we go out for a cup of coffee or something?" He spoke. "As friends... unless..."

Are you kidding me???

"Sure, I'm down." I smiled. Ugh, I sound like those guys...


It was a bit of awkward silence, I looked down to my feet and then looked up at him.

"You um.. never told me anything about your um backstory... and why you knew me b-before.." I spoke, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I don't really trust anyone.."

"Oh, well when you're ready you can.. tell me."

I wish he could tell me

Someone came from the back of the library and looked at both of us, She had blond hair with piano notes in her hair. Her clothes were piano themed. "Is this the wrong time?"

"Nope. Hey. Kaede can you stay here? I'm going to go out with my friend y/n."

She pouted. "I am supposed to be going on a date with Shuichi, but fine."


He and I left the library, and we admired the beauty of the city and walked inside the cafe named: Sugar And Spice Cafe. The smell was comforting: coffee beans, donuts, frosting. I sat down somewhere, while he went to go get the coffee and whatever there was there.

I checked my phone, a text from...

I'm so bored come back soon ✌️😔

Let's play the sims after this 🙃

I smiled softly, and put my phone on the table. Avocado came back with 2 coffees and a dozen donuts in a box. (yee yee.)

"Oh wait you knew that my favorite donut was... ____!" I exclaimed, he nodded.

"You seem like that kinda person." He replied, and sat down in front of me. I batted my eyelashes and smiled a bit.

We talked about random things, like musicals and we figured out we had a couple things in common. He also knows how to do nails which I thought was really cool... and he talked about his sisters.
We started walking home together when the sunset starting growing.

"I still can't believe it.. how can a mother give birth to so many kids..?" I giggled. We both started laughing. I put my hand into his.

"I'll travel all through the world and help you find them." I smiled slightly. "This is the first step."

—- spoilers —-

"A body has been discovered!" Monokuma exclaimed. This is the first few days of being in this hell and there's already a death. I haven't seen Rantaro in the past few minutes. I hope he's okay. I sat on the bed, with tears in my eyes.

I ran out of my room, locked the door of course.. and ran down the hallways. Until I found everyone in the library.

I covered myself with the (cardigan, jacket, etc.) around me and hoped that he wasn't dead. I looked, and I saw him. I sniffled.

He's dead right? It can't be fake right?

I could feel the emotions pouring out. But.. I couldn't let them out.

"Is he really d-dead.." I cried, my tears pouring out like a fountain. I couldn't just keep them in.

"I know how important he was to you." Kaede sighed, and hugged me. I nodded, and she let go of the hug. "How about you come investigate with us, it'll be hard to investigate by yourself." 


We started investigating the body first. I didn't feel as bad as i did, but I was really nervous.

He had a blow to the head from a shot put-ball. It knocked him out instantly. It probably hurt really badly.

I looked inside my pocket for the same note I read the first day I got here.

You are Y/N L/N
The ultimate hacker
No matter what keep your promise: Help Rantaro, and don't die.
Don't mess up. Or else..

I failed.

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