Chapter 3 - "Shut up and study"

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All changes are hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end - Anon

All changes are hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end - Anon

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Harry woke up at a moderate time and managed to make an undisturbed exit from the house in order to go to the library. It was a cold autumn morning, Harry could see the puffs of breath cloud out in front of him as he walked. 

Despite the cold it was quite beautiful, the roads laced with ambers, browns and yellows with pumpkins dotted around on doorsteps. Harry decided that he didn't mind walking to the library that morning, he was comfortable. 

  He arrived at the library in good time and walked in remembering the whole purpose of him going to the library today; to study with Draco, 'Mione and Ginny. He wasn't sure how he really felt about it, he just hoped Draco wouldn't annoy the crap out of him. He walked through the glass automatic doors and sat in the back corner of the library as he always did setting down his backpack and laying out his books deciding to get a head start on Chemistry revision waiting for the rest patiently.

He had barely written the title when a familiar voice called out, " Oh titch here you are," He sighed when I realized who it was. Draco

"Hello house mouse," he said as he sat down next to Harry, He shifted away but the blonde moved closer, " I was terribly excited to see you," Harry rolled his eyes pushing Draco's face away.

" I wish I could say likewise," Harry muttered moving back to his books to continue his notes and Flashcards.

Hermione and Ginny laughed at our interaction as they took seats opposite them.

"Hey Hermione, Ginny," Harry smiled

"So they get a warm welcome and I don't, You really like to play favourites don't you cupcake," I ignored him continuing to put my focus on Hermione. 

"Are you going to study for chemistry to Hermione?" I asked wondering why she wasn't taking any books out. 

"No, I've done all my notes I'm just here to help Ginny," she said gesturing to Ginny who smiled.

"She is my secret weapon to my grades after all," she agreed, ushering for Hermione to help her with a question almost immediately.


time skip

Draco soon got bored of the seemingly endless list of equations and looked over to Harry who was fixated on his work. Hermione and Ginny had left the table to go and find a book leaving him and Harry temporarily alone.

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