Chapter 15 - "We need to find Harry,"

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Time would just stand still, wait for me to get some magic film, and take a photograph to live inside- Cody fry (photography)

Time would just stand still, wait for me to get some magic film, and take a photograph to live inside- Cody fry (photography)

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Draco looked down to his phone that was resting on the lunch table, it started vibrating and it flashed immediately with Harry's caller ID. He accepted it immediately, placing the phone to his ear.

"Dray, you have to help me," Harry's voice broke over the line, causing his calm demeanour to be instantaneously destroyed.

"Harry? What's wrong?" he asked sitting up in concern.

"Dray, please help me," he was crying

"Harry? where are you?" He ran a hand through his hair trying to stop himself from jumping to conclusions.

"Dray, I don't know. I- I can't see, I don't know who has me and. Dray, I'm really scared," his voice fluctuated, and it made Draco feel useless. He was supposed to keep Harry safe and now he didn't even know where he was.

"I know, Hold on for me ok? I'll get to you, I promise,"

"Dray, what if they kill me? please hurry, please," i started trying to think of what to do, which was proving difficult as all that was in my mind was Harry. He inhaled sharly.

"I can't let you die, Harry, just know that ok?" he assured, almost trying to reassure himself as well.


"Can you try your best to describe your surroundings? I know you don't have glasses right now but please? Try your best" My brain started to kick into gear, a sudden refocus and determination rushing over me.

"I mea-" he paused and i heard some footsteps in the background.

"What are you doing?"

NO FUCKING WA- Astoria?!

"Harry? Harry! Can you hear me, You need to keep talking for me," he tried to usher him on but nothing could be heard over the phone but sobs.

"Harry darling, hand over the phone, It would be such a shame if I had to break your brand new phone,"

He shook his head in disbelief standing up from the lunch table, anger taking over his body, storming out of the canteen

"I hope you have apple care," H heard a loud slap causing him to freeze.

How dare she touch him

"NO, don't you fucking dare," I yelled as the line became loud the sound of a smash echoing through my ears.


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