Chapter 1 - "Nice arse potter"

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Bullies are people with too much time on their hands- Anon

+++++++++Bullies are people with too much time on their hands- Anon

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Harry walked to his locker agitated. He was painfully aware of the number of eyes staring at him- well not him more like his butt. Harry James Potter has a really nice butt. Weird thing to say but it was true and he hated it at this particular moment.

This combatted all his motives, he was ashamed as he walked, he legs exposed to the harsh winds and stares. Dudley couldn't have picked a more modest pair of shorts? He was definitely going to get a Sanction for this. Fuck Mr Snaps was going to have a field day.

He could already imagine it now 'Mr potter this is school and that is a poor excuse for clothing, I don't care if you don't know how- fix it'

He shuddered at the thought, that would be even more embarrassing.

He continued to look down at his suddenly interesting shoes as he continued to walk to his locker which seemed longer than usual. Harry barely had time to react as-he felt a hand come into contact with his butt. What the flying fu-

He turned around slowly to see Dudley and his friends behind him. Fan-fucking-tastic just what he needed this fine morning

"Nice arse Potter," One of them sneered making them laugh like hyenas they seemed to find themselves hilarious.

"I see you found them," Dudley said smirking maliciously.

"Yeah,"Harry stated wasn't he supposed to be the blind one?

"Wonderful, and you're not gonna complain are you?"
Harry shook his head waiting ever so patiently for them to leave him alone. These kids really need to get a job.

Dudley pushes him against locker making him squeak.Not his proudest moment he'll admit. "You're worthless just like your parents; should have been dead too, you think it's fun having to put up with a rat-like you," Not really sure where that came from? but Harry wasn't gonna let Dudley get away with speaking badly about his parents.

" Leave my parents out of this Dudley it's me you're interested in not them," Harry gulped as Dudley put his hand on his neck. "Rats don't talk,"aww did he learn that in Biology?

"if you are really going to insult me, Dudley, you really need to come up with more insults,"

Dudley threw Harry on the floor and started to throw punches at him right in the gut making him hiss in pain, Dudley drones started to join in, nothing he wasn't used to though this was his shitty life every single fucking day and it was not fun.

The first bell rang and Mr black had appeared as though he was from Heaven. "Ahhh, Mr Dursley, I take it we'll have a lovely chat in my office yet again, maybe your parents will join us?"
Mr black drawled sarcastically motioning him to his office.

"I also believe you guys have classes to get to so move your teenage bodies, let's go," he shouted into the crowd causing it to disbanded in murmurs as people made their ways to Form.

"those kids must be really bored ay?" he said picking Harry up from where he was from the ground. "Make sure you go and see Mrs Pomfrey, I would take you there myself but I have a certain Dursley to deal with,"Mr black eyed him concerned patting his back softly, knowing he could only try to do the best as a teacher for him.

"It's ok sir I can go myself," Just be be clear Harry wasn't going, that would be like writing his name in Deathnote.

He smiled at Mr black. He was his favourite teacher in this school, he was in his classic look; white shirt, long black coat and his hair left at his shoulders. Mr black was the first teacher that actually cared about Harry and the first person that actually supported him when he came out as bisexual. well, he has got a husband anyway.

Mr Black smiled and patted his shoulder once again "Go on to form I will try and see if we can get Dudley on suspension or in my favour expelled," he saluted Harry  as he turned on his heel and walked away.

He forced a smile and watched as he walked off down the corridors lined with lockers. After he was out of sight he ran to the side of the school sitting in his thinking bush, he knew it was sad but it was special to him it was his safe place, and Harry didn't have many of those. He was hurt at the thought of his parents.Was it really that impossible for him to happy?

He knew when he got home it would be a whole new atomic bomb of a mess. He simply wasn't in control anymore. Harry had no one to rely on or to comfort him just himself and his parents souls. He sighed at his slight Y/N moment why was his life like this? Couldn't he just have a break for once ?

Harry tried to imagine what would happen if Dudley got suspended, then stopped because it was scary. Especially with Uncle Vernon's deliberate warning in  the morning, it was  pretty much game over for him.

He contemplated running away, but he quickly realised that the Dursley's were paying for his education, which was pretty much his one way ticket  out of the Dursley's home.

Harry began to think out his funeral plans debating on whether he wanted a pink coffin or a gold coffin, but was rudely interrupted when he heard a rustle in the bushes. He snapped his head up trying to locate the source of the sound. That's suspicious...No one ever came here so Harry was quite ready to say his last prayers.

Looks like this funeral plans might have to be put in action quicker than he thought.


Drug dealer?



No worse

why is he here of all people?


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