Our Trip part 5

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Cookie POV

It was Jason I've never told anyone about Jason Jason was... Carols friend one night I got drunk and he.....dragged me into his room he beat me and raped me like Michael but he was worse then Michael. I never told ANYONE about it...not even Lucious. " Um... Lucious you know on second thought I think we should just go", I said when I saw Jason getting closer. " Cooks what wrong you don't want anything", Lucious asked me. But before I could answer Jason was right In front of us and he had a girl with him.

" Ohh Cookie Hey I haven't seen you since we were Teens in philly...You must be Cookie's boyfriend", Jason said to Lucious. " I am for her boyfriend for now  soon to be her Husband again and you are...", Lucious questioned. " Oh I'm Jason me and Cookie had a little friendship before she met you", Jason asked.

" NO we didn't Lucious can we go back to the Beach house I don't wanna be here anymore", I said trying to pull him away but He was stand put. " No cooks this guy seems Cool oh and who is This nice young lady", Lucious asked referring to the woman with Jason.

" Who this Is Mia My wife", He replied. " Hi", the woman said waving. " OK now that we met everyone HI I'm cookie this Is Lucious your Mia and your Jason LUCIOUS LET'S go", I said walking away from him back to my towel.

" Um I'm sorry for her It was nice to meet you", Lucious said following behind me. " Cookie what's wrong baby what happened did you not li- It's noting Lucious Let's just go", I said cutting him off and grabbing my stuff then heading to the car.

" No cookie why what's wrong what happe- NO LUCIOUS LET'S JUST GO.

The whole way back to the beach house the whole ride was silent. When we got to the house I took my stuff in the house then went to the pool and sat on the side with my feet dangling in the water. I just needed some time by myself.

I was looking at the sun but my view was blocked by a tall black figure..it was Lucious. " Need some Company", He asked. I shrugged He put his feet in the water and sat down beside me. " You know Cookie You can talk to me about anything But I'm not gone pressure you to talk about it", He said.

" I'm sorry", I said looking down. " For what", He asked. " For being so Grumpy Instead of just talking to you about it That guys his name was Jason He was Carols Friends...one night we...we were at this party that carol dragged me to I...got drunk and Later that night he took advange of me and he beat me and raped me like Michael did but He was worse I never told you because I was afraid you'd judge me", I said looking at him with my eyes watery.

" Baby How many times have I told you I love you Cookie your my everything I would never judge you the new Lucious would never do that now the old Lucious I can't speak for him but I'm here now", He said rubbing my arm.

" Thank you I love you", I said leaning into his lips. " Don't thank me I'm always here for you", He said above my lips. He I crashed my lips Onto his and he rubbed my sides. " tomorrow I found this zoo for us to go to you wanna go", He asked pulling away from the kiss.

"Mhm", I said pulling his lips back onto mine. " Ooh you wanna do a tiktok with me", I asked. " sure which one", He asked chuckling. " This one Look It goes like shawty my little baddy she my little boo thang and you sing the and shawty got the fatty and shwaty be catching move swings", I said showing him the motions.

They did the Tiktok and It went great

" You wanna go watch a movie and cuddle or something it's getting kind of late", he asked me. " yeah you can pick the movie I'm gonna go shower and then I'll be down", I told him. " K baby",

30 minutes later she showerd and put on something comfy.

30 minutes later she showerd and put on something comfy

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 He went to go sit on the couch and find a movie.

Lucious POV

" HII!", Cookie said jumping in my lap from taking a shower. " Hey baby Mhm...you smell good", I said. " Yeah it's a new body wash you like it?", She asked me. " Like it I love it you smell like strawberries", I said.

Cookie's POV

Me and Lucious were watching a show it's called sister,sister but 30 minutes into the show me and Lucious were making out. "mhm baby I'm gonna call thirsty and check on empire and when I come back me and you are gonna finish", He said pecking my lips then getting up.

I got idea I'm gonna pull a little prank ON lucious I'm gonna do the the baby's not yours prank Ima do a Instagram Live and do the prank. I'm gonna put my phone somewhere he can't see it. I started the Instagram live and told my fans what I was doin.

Cookie Instagram live : Hey yall ok so I am about to prank Lucious yall with the the baby's not yours prank.

@babykarel_1 : Cookie you can't do that you know how overprotective Lucious is!!

Cookie Instagram Live: I know yall but Ima sat the phone right here ( sets the phone by the plant and covers it but the people can still see) so Yall I hope he doesn't kill me for this prank Yall let's just see how it goes...

@Badkacy21_: She bout to die!


 Do you think cookie is wrong for this prank let me know byeee.

Cookie and lucious Destiny-COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora