Secrets Reveal and betrayal

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Cookie's POV

"Lucious first of all come your ass down I have neighbors dummy". I said putting my hands on my hip. "Look come here cookie" He said pulling me onto his lap. "I know I have never ever been what you saw in a husband but I love you you do deserve someone better and I'm sorry for everything I know that your with Michael and everything and your happy with Him a- I'm not lucious I'm..not I want you back and I want everything back the way it was Michael he..H- He hits me like when I'm late for his events when I dress and he doesn't approve or when I don't clean up something in the house" I explained to him I could tell he was pissed.

 I can't believe I just told him that I could see the fury in his eyes like he was gonna burn the place down. " HELL NO HE DID WHAT COOKIE! I don't want you staying here anymore You will come live at the mansion rather you like it or not", He said pulling me into the bedroom. 

"Lucious what are you doing". I asked him. " No it's what are you doing pack your things now",he said giving me a suitcase from my closet. :Lucious stop Listen to me I understand you want to help me but I'm scared that he will hurt me once he found out I left and went with you". " Cookie I got you Ok pack your stuff and come on". So I did what he told me and we drove to the mansion Michael wouldn't know until He got home that I left because he was at work whitch he dosent get off till 5:00 in the morning it's 8 at night.

AT The mansion 8:30

Lucious POV

Cookie had feel asleep in the car so I picked her up and took her inside the mansion as we were walking toward the door I look down and saw that her nose look like it was red before but she put makeup over it which means Michael must of hit her before he left And I came over to her house. He is not getting away with this. When I got into the mansion I took cookie in my room because I wanted to watch over her.

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I put her bag down on the front of the bed and sat her down And started to change her into her nights clothes. She was still half sleep so she was no help. I went in her bag and found a night outfit for her.

(What she had on)

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(What she had on)

I know on the outside cookie might seem like a hard, tuff, and brave woman but she's not in the inside she just a sweet girl that's doesn't allow disrespect I'm surprised that cookie didn't tell me about this sooner. I put cookie in bed and put the covers over her and I went to go take a shower.

 When I came out the shower cookie had  my pillow in her arms squeezing it like a baby she always did that to me at night especially when she was sad. After I finished getting dress I climbed in bed with cookie and took the pillow away from her and she started to whine.

''Noo lucious come back" she said trying to grab the pillow again. " Shh Cookie monster...Im right here baby..I promise to protect you forever" I kissed her forehead before she snuggled up to me and we fell asleep.

The next morning 9:00 Lucious mansion

Lucious POV

I woke up early this morning to fix breakfast for cookie I really feel bad for everything that's been going on if I wouldn't had married Anika this wouldn't have happened Ugh speaking of the bitch Anika she's coming back from Chicago this morning I forgot about that oh god cookie and Anika can't stand each other.

 When I started to fix the grits I felt thin hands around my waist I looked back and saw cookie smiling in her sexy ass pajamas. "Goodmorning sleepy head" I said turning back around. "Goodmorning what you cooking" she said squeezing me tighter. "I'm cooking grits, eggs, and your favorite bacon" I turned around and winked at her. 

" yay You know I always loved your cooking", she said sitting on the counter. "Cookie I have to tell you something And I don't want you to be mad ok" I said. " I won't what is it" She asked looking confused." Anika is coming back from Chicago and she should be here anytime today" I sucked my teeth. "yep ok that's my que to leave" she said getting off the counter.

 But before she leaved I picked her up and carried her over to the couch and started to tickle her." Luc..ciou..sto..stop stay" she said in between laughs. "Thank you now give me a kiss or i'll tickle you again" I said.. She leaned up and kissed me I expected to be a peck but it wasn't she went deeper and pulled me down on top of her and still kissed me.

It turned into a hot make out session and she bit my lip then sucked on it. Then My day got worst "UM WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE" Anika yelled as she walked in throwing her bag down. "Ugh" cookie Groaned covering her face with her hands. I pecked her lips one more time and got up and walked over to Anika. "Ugh hey (gags) anika" I teased. " yeah hey ima gonna go put my stuff up" she said walking away. "Lucious..." cookie said coming up behind me. yeah baby I said picking her up and pecking her lips look she said holding up the phone there were text from Micahael like.

Texts down below

Michael: Bring your ass HOME NOW!                                                                                                                      Michael: I know your not at Empire because I checked!!!!                                                                  

Michael: Cookie loretha hollaway you got 2 seconds to bring your motherfucking dum ass home now BITCH IM Not playing cookie!!!!                                                                                                            Michael:  OHHH YOU BETTER NOT BE WITH THAT SUN OF BITCH OR SO HELP ME I WILL SLIT YOUR THROAT BITCH!!!!                                                                                                                                      Michael: WHY IS YOUR STUFF NOT HOME?                                                                                                   Michael: IM COMING TO FIND YOU AND WHEN I DO IM SLITTING YOUR THROAT YOU STUPID DUM ASS TRICKASS BITCH ASS HOE.

I read all the messeges and looked back up and cookie and she had tears in her eyes. "Look baby why don't you come and eat breakfast and we will worry about it soon I will take care of it I promise you ok ". I said putting her down on her feet. "ok" she walked over to the table at sat down.

20 minutes later 

when cookie was down I took her upstairs with me to shower because we had only a couple more days Until the event on Wednesday I have something big planned that nobody knows about yet. I took cookie in the bathroom and we started to undress to get in the shower and god it's been awhile since I seen her sexy body. We got in the shower and I started to wash her back when she turned around and kissed me then said "thank you". I was thinking bout taking care of michael are you okay with that.


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