Working out

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Cookie was downstairs making breakfast.

Lucious came and wrapped his arms around her. " Morning", She giggled. " Morning my Love", He replied.

" Don't think I forgot about what you did to me the other day and Ima get yo ass back", He smacked her butt.

" Hmm good luck with that", she turned off the stove then turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck. He put her on the counter.

He kissed her neck she threw her head back and moaned. " Ma Dad yall got a room for that", Jamal told them coming in the kitchen.

" Please boy this is my house and if I wanna get freaky I can Plus how you think you got here", Cookie kissed her Husband.

Lucious roughly kissed her back. Jamal watched as their parents made out. " Yall are so nasty", Jamal told his parents.

Cookie tilted her head and smirked and she pecked Lucious lips again. " We need to get out you want we need to work out", Jamal said.

Cookie and Lucious turned away from each other and stared at Jamal. " Jamal baby if you don't know the first thing about me it is I do not work out Cookie can keep her body in a perfect shape by herself", she said.

" mhm my baby got that fat in the back", Lucious slapped her butt. " Mhmm", Cookie kissed Lucious again.

" Ma Dad we working out so get dr4ess especially you Dad", Jamal walked away. " Ha He got you!", Cookie laughed.

" That wasn't even funny", Lucious got upset.

The all got dress Andre and Hakeem tagged alone.

                                                                             ( Cookie's workout outfit)

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                                                                             ( Cookie's workout outfit)

                                                                       ( Lucious workout outfit)

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                                                                       ( Lucious workout outfit)

                                                                       ( Lucious workout outfit)

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Cookie and lucious Destiny-COMPLETEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang