Our Trip part 4

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Cookie's POV

" Oh my god... Veronica and David", I said. I haven't seen Veronica since we were lifeguards In Highschool well she was a lifeguard I was a lifeguard for like a week before I met Lucious. "  Oh Cookie darling I haven't seen you since you stop being a lifeguard at highschool oh how are you", Veronice asked me hugging me. " I'm good what are yall doing here I thought yall lived in Atlanta", I asked pulling away from the hug. " we do but David brought me here for a vaction were trying to get our relationship back on track", she said.

" Really us as well well were together but He did something bad and he's making it up to me", I said looking at Lucious. " Dam Right I do I hurt my baby's", He said rubbing my stomach. " Oh your expecting", David asked me. " Yes we are I'm currently 4 weeks with his baby", I said grabbing his hand and he pecked my lips. " Ok Mr. and Mrs. Lyon your table is ready and I saw you with your friends so I moved you to a booth instead", the waiter said. " Um ok perfect uh are you guys hungry", I asked.

" Of course", veronica told me. " Ok come on", The waiter said.

We sat down at the booth Veronica and David sat together and me and Lucious sat together but david and Lucious were on the ends.

" So Veronica How's Jeffery", I asked once flipping through the menu. " He's fine I'm getting use to him being Gay", she stated. " You know you never did accept that boy I had to talk this one into accepting Jamal for being gay", I said elbowing lucious side as he chuckled.

" You know what you guys should come over to our beach house after breakfast and we could probably go to the beach together or something", I said. " That's sounds Nice what do you think Veronica", David asked her. " I think I would love that", she replied and they kissed. " Ok can I get you guys started with some drinks", the waitress asked. " Um yes can I just get a pink lemonade and what you want babe", I asked Lucious. " Ill take a regular lemonade", He said. 

" Um I'll have a water", Veronica said. " and I'll have a sweat tea", David said. " Baby by the way um thirsty texted and said we have everything set and ready for the Lyons roar event", Lucious said to me. " Oh and I thought you said no work talk you said and I quote " Baby I thought we agreed no work talk", I said talking in a silly voice as David And Veronica chuckled.

" You know what you better cut that out before you be in trouble tonight", He said winking. " Oooh I'm so scared", I said waving my hands in the air and veronica and David laughed again.

" You know what wait to we get home Give me some loving", He said leaning in for a kiss and I gladly accepted it. WE started making out and after awhile we pulled away. " I love you and my cub so much", He said. " I love you to", I said pecking his lips again.

" wow you guys seem really in love", David said. " We are I have always loved this man I just always doughted it", I said looking at Lucious. " Ok here are your drinks now can what yummy stummy breakfast can I get for you amazing people", The waitress asked. " Um Ill get the ham and egg omelete", I said. " Yes and Ill have the egg salad on cheesebread", Lucious said.

" Ok Um I'll have the Gourment salad", veronica said. " and Ill have the egg salad", david said. " "Ok it should be out in less then 15 minutes", the waitress said walking away.

Time skip they got their food and headed to the beach

I was sitting at the beach in the sand on my beach towel while I watched Lucious as he swam in the ocean.

                                                                                   ( Cookie's bathingsuit)

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                                                                                   ( Cookie's bathingsuit)

                                                                                  ( Veronica's bathingsuit)

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                                                                                  ( Veronica's bathingsuit)

Veronica and David were somewhere out there in the water. " Baby come get in the water with me have fun", Lucious called from the water. " Lucious you know I can't swim what if I drown", I said putting my hand over my head to block the sun.

" Lucious I swear to god if I drown in this water Ima kick you ass", I said walking towards the water. I got in the water and luscious pulled me close to him as I kicked my feet back and forth I held onto him for dear life. " Lucious I swear you better not let me go I'm scared I can't swim", I said whining.

" Cookie Baby I got you I'm not gonna let you go", He said. " Here get on my back Ima swim and you just hold on", he said. " Nigga are you crazy you know its sharks and shit in the dam wa- I was cut off by Lucious picking me up and throwing me in the water.

I swan up to the surface of the water even though we weren't even that deep in the water we were like right my the sand but still. " LUCIOUS WHAT THE HELL I HATE YOU WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT YOU KNOW I CAN'T SWIM", I said hitting his chest and trying to swim away from him but he grabbed my waist.

" Hey will you Chile out I wasn't gonna let anything happened you", He said. He tried to gab my chin but I swatted his hand away. " No don't touch me I'm mad at you....", I said trying to swim off of my own but failed and almost drowned.

" Baby I'm sorry Ok I'm sorry look at me", He said. " No...I'm going back to my towel", I said. He grabbed my waist and kissed me deeply I couldn't help it I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. " You know I'm sorry I was just playin come on you wanna go to the bar and then go look for Veronica and David maybe we can play a game", He said.

" Ok...",I replied.  " Ill carry you", he said. and I smiled. He swam with me on his back back to the sand and we went to the bar you won't believe who I saw....


Who do you thank she saw 

Cookie and lucious Destiny-COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now