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18th August 2019

Renee woke up.

She gasped and quickly sat up on her bed, watching the surroundings with confusion. She was in her room alright, on her bed, her blanket covering half her torso. Upon the wall, there were the blueprints that she had made, the plans for her Homework Completer.

And next to that was a blank space, large enough for an even bigger blueprint. A blueprint that looked like it had been ripped hastily off the wall.

Why couldn't she remember anything?

She tried to think of her last recent memory, a shred of evidence to indicate the trauma that she had gone through. It wasn't physical trauma, but it felt like it, trauma to pierce her soul.

Questions plagued her head as she got off her bed, pacing around the room for answers. She saw her phone lying on her desk, maybe it held the answers that she desperately needed.

Useless was her phone, and so was her laptop, as they weren't containing any information of the past three months. It was 18th August today, and everything was dated back to 18th May.

What had happened in the gap?

Suddenly, Renee's eyes fell on the envelope that lay innocently upon her desk, heavy white parchment adorned with red ink. She was quite sure that it hadn't been there a moment ago, yet she had no proof.

Picking up the envelope, she noticed that it had been addressed to her. Her fingers broke open the seal, and the letter gently fell on her lap. Renee began to read it, her eyes scanning through quickly for any useful information.

Dear Renee,

This letter is to inform you that there has been a breach of highly confidential information which you have mistakenly stumbled upon.

As a result of which, we have removed a part of your memories of the past three months where the events took place.

We assure you that you can continue to live your life the way you have been living, except with a few minor changes.

1. Your beloved dog, Truffles has passed away due to a minor accident.
2. Your brother, Mr Michael Durvont was found dead in his apartment with a suicide note. The court has concluded that he has killed himself due to depression.
3. Your friend, Miss Clover Hayes, is in the hospital, recovering from serious injuries due to a car accident.
4. The day you wake up is three days after your brother's funeral. Your parents are distraught, which luckily gives you time to adjust to your life.
As for now, these are the only major things that have occurred in the past three months. Please do not try to remember the memories which have been erased, as it may result in a state of coma or brain death.

We thank you for reading through this letter Renee. We hope that you will lead a blessed life.


Her memories had been erased?

Anger coursed through her veins at the thought of someone invading her mind. It seemed like a violation of privacy, and it made her very uncomfortable, not to mention insecure. Whatever breach of information they had mentioned could've been removed, without erasing the rest of her memories.

Unless there was another reason. "Breach of highly confidential information", they'd said.

Did they not trust her to keep it secret?
Or was the information too powerful that they felt she was better off without it?

The ISA. There was no expansion of the abbreviation, nor any address as to who these self-righteous people seemed to be. Renee tossed the letter on her table, her mind now thinking of everyone who had been harmed.

Truffles, her dear dog, had died.

Truffles was eight months old as Renee last remembered. She was a golden brown coloured labrador, with round curious eyes that found the whole world exciting. She was Renee's greatest companion in the last eight months, and now, she was simply dead.

Her brother, Mike had committed suicide.

Ten months ago, Mike had left them, for a reason Renee wasn't sure of. Though they'd searched high and low, Mike had disappeared without a trace. Since then, Renee hadn't heard from him, and she ultimately gave up, trying to swallow his disappearance.
And now, Mike was dead too.

Clover was supposedly injured. Renee hoped that whatever had happened to Clover was only temporary and that she would soon be fine again. She wanted to visit her in the hospital, but something held her back.

The strangeness of the entire situation.

Should she believe the ISA? Or was there truth left to be uncovered?

The truth appeared in the form of a sticky note that lay upon her desk. It was inscribed in her handwriting with the words, "Check for tips on how to write essays."

Renee would've dismissed it, except that she never wrote notes for herself. At least not stuff to improve her essay anyway.

She typed in the website on her laptop, her fingers drumming on the desk as she waited.

The page opened into a picture of a bright field of flowers, a meadow that Renee found weirdly familiar. She clicked on the huge red button, which soon began to download a pdf.

Renee knew that she'd done the right thing when the pdf opened.

Because the document on the screen had been written by her.

Hi Me-with-no-memories,

I know that you've just read the letter from ISA. Most of it is a big, fat lie, but some of it is true.

Here is your source of the ultimate truth, the events that took place in the last three months. The ISA has erased any shred of evidence of what happened, which is why I had to hide this document here.

See, the ISA think that they've erased your memories. But they haven't. Noah and I made sure that none of the memories is lost. That with a little triggering, you are bound to remember everything. (Or at least the important stuff anyway.)

On the downside, the ISA has severed your link to the spiritual world. Which means that you will no longer get dreams about anything. Or that you can never access the Realm.

I know this is a load of crap right now, but it will soon make sense once you start reading this document. I promise.

I really really really hope that your memories return.

And if they don't, remember Noah.
Because he's going to remember this for an eternity.

You know me ;)
Renee Durvont.
(16th August 2019.)

Renee scanned the document and found over 500 pages.

Clearly, a lot had happened.


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