Chapter 12

175 38 308

30th May 2019


I gasped when I woke up, taking in gulps of air as the world shook before my eyes. The tears flowed freely, leaving round splotches on my pillow. I didn't try to control them, my mind only running back to the dearest friend I'd lost.


Clover and Mike barged into my room, probably since they heard me crying. As Clover threw her arms around me, Mike pulled a chair for him to sit on, watching me anxiously.

"Renee," He said, "Maybe talking about it would help."

I nodded gingerly, wiping my wet face with a soggy tissue. Clover sat comfortably on my bed like she was at a sleepover in my room. She probably must be, since it was early in the morning.

"What did Truffles say?" She asked slowly.

I paused, thinking of the bits that I should tell Mike. He didn't know about the realm, and I didn't want him to think I was mad. It was already bad enough that I was injured, but seeing things was beyond what I stood for.

"She said goodbye. And that she'll always love me," I said, and hid my face in the guise that I was crying.

My brother gave me a hug, and I caught a glimpse of Clover behind his back, with a 'really?'

Damn, sometimes I forgot that Cloves could see right through my lies, that she was not someone I could fool easily.

I gave her a sheepish look, before resuming to cry again. Mike watched me with sympathy, and coaxed me with a, "It's alright, Renee."

"You need sleep," Clover said firmly, though she was pointing to my brother behind his back. "You've been crying all day, and your eyes need rest."

"Yeah, she's right," Mike yawned. "Goodnight you guys."

He left my room, but not before stealing a glance at Clover, who was blushing furiously.

As soon as Mike exited, I turned to Clover giving her a questioning look. "What happened between you and Mike?"

Clover blushed, twirling her hair dreamily. "We were hanging out in the attic. And then, we kissed."

"Woah, so soon?" I stared at her in shock. "Mike just told me that he had a thing for you!"

Clover widened her eyes but grinned widely again. "Did he? Aww..."

"Yeah," I nodded, smiling at her, feeling happy for her. Cloves finally got what she wanted.

"He's leaving tomorrow," Clover said abruptly, her eyes staring at a faraway point. "It's going to be long-distance for a while."

"Why is he leaving so soon?" I asked her puzzled.

"He needs to go back to his channel," Clover sighed, braiding a tiny section of her hair. "Nevermind, that's not important."

"Why?" I asked, but Clover huffed at me, tossing the braid away.

"What did Truffles really say?" She asked with a serious expression.

I quickly filled her in on the details, the day of the car accident, the two girls who could see my Spirit and had planned the whole thing.

"Why would anyone want to kill you, Renee?" Clover asked me. "Do you have an enemy?"

"No... Unless you're talking about Ned who wants to get better grades than me."

"Ahh, who knows. Maybe he's hired people from the Spirit Realm to hunt you down." Clover waved her hand mysteriously.

"That's the thing Cloves. Those people were flesh and blood humans. And yet, they could do magic and see spirits." I sighed sadly.

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