Chapter 38

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1st August 2019


I heard something breaking.

I could still hear it.


Oh wait, that was the sound of my heart splitting into two.

I sat with my back against the slimy cave, not being able to feel anything physically, because the Before Realm was like the Earthly Realm, a solid world not a place for Spirits like me.

I wasn't able to feel anything emotionally either, that conversation with Renee left me numb, my voids more parched than ever.

Except for my jumbo sized void of pain.

A waterfall of tears flowed down my cheeks, and began to cry out loud, wondering why I always messed things up.

I told her that I loved her.

I told her that, so she would stay.

What was I even thinking? I was such an idiot... Did I really think that Renee wouldn't realise why I'd confessed? She was smart, so brilliantly smart, and she saw right through me, through my miserable, lying self.

When I said it, I thought I was lying. Did I really love her? I mean, it's only been two months, but I was deeply infatuated by this girl, this crazy woman with all these amazing qualities, her single smile enough to make me feel alive and human again...

Yes. Feeling like a human, like a sixteen year old, a hormonal teenager, this wasn't a common feeling for a Spirit. The ISA had managed to kill what was left of Noah Stark anyway, and made me the boring old Spirit Guide who praised the ISA.

Until she came. She rekindled the flames, left me burning for her and now, she had drowned me, like the tall waves of the sea.

I was angry with Renee Durvont. But I also loved her, and knew that she would be stubborn enough to not listen to me.

And despite possessing this much wisdom, I'd gone ahead and confessed.

I'd regretted it immediately. Not because I didn't love her, but because I said it at the wrong time and place. She was worried about Clover, she was panicking and frightened and yet she put on a brave face, feeling like this was the only choice she had.

Then I literally messed her up by confessing my love for her. The proof lay in the fact that she began to transform rapidly, ascending into her higher form in the blink of an eye.

To me, that was the most incredible thing I'd ever heard. And it's also the thing that struck me the most, because only pure, powerful and positive emotions can make you ascend like that.

Was it love? Was it happiness?

I didn't know. But at that moment, I knew that I wasn't alone in this love story.

Because Renee loved me too. It was the only explanation for her ascension.

I didn't tell her this, because it would only complicate things, and I didn't want to create a dent on her already broken confidence.

I think she'll find out too. She was sharp like that, and once the gears in her brain started spinning, she'd understand that what we both had wasn't something that would be destroyed in a matter of seconds.

Atleast, I hoped for that. A guy could hope.

Especially one hiding in a cave like me.

"Noah? Are you okay?" It was my violently unstable friend, approaching me carefully. Anything that came out of her vicious mouth would only make me feel worse.

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