Chapter 5

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(So Noah wanted to write some parts of the pdf because he felt like it was his story to tell too, not just mine.)

19th May 2019


"That's one hell of an assignment, I tell you," Shay laughed. "Makes a great story."

"That's true though," I sighed, lowering the bottle from my mouth, and staring into the distance. "Wish it wasn't just that."

I'd asked Shay to bring her stash again, though I wasn't sure why I needed it tonight. Maybe because my assignment had been tiring, but, it wasn't just that.

It was her.

Renee Durvont.

She was so intriguing.

"She was happy to go back into her body right?" Shay asked me again, even though I'd answered the question five minutes ago.

"Yeah, she was," I sighed wistfully, then added, "I've never met anyone quite like her."

Shay raised her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, she's really decent for a human. She doesn't care about money or fame or her appearance. Or even love for that matter," I explained to Shay.

"You just told me that she wanted to go back to her family. Isn't that love?" Shay took the bottle from me and drank from it.

"Yeah, I meant, like romantic love." I sighed. "I thought teenage girls would totally drool over me like they used to when I was a human. But Renee, she didn't."

"Is that hurting your ego, Noah?" Shay laughed. " 'I'm so handsome, how could she not fall for me?'" She sighed in an annoying sing-song voice.

I rolled my eyes at her, "No, I don't think she's into this whole I-need-a-boyfriend thing. She didn't flirt with me once. Nor did she flirt back when I did."

"Wait, you flirted with her?" Shay gave me an impressed look. "When?"

"Well, my flirting skills are a bit rustic, since I can't use them in the spirit world, and it's been ages since I was a human...But I tried my best." I told her, pushing my hair off my forehead.

Shay threw me a look of sympathy. "Laughing at her jokes isn't flirting, Noah."

"What do you know, you're a spirit just like me," I grabbed the bottle out of her hand and emptied it into my mouth.

"But, seriously," Shay eyed me carefully, "Do you think you have a crush on her?"

"No!" I said a bit too quickly. "She's different, and it makes me curious, that's all." I sighed. "And I'm never going to see her again."

I thought about Renee, her curious grey eyes, her short chocolate brown hair, her adorable smile.
The fact that she was a whole head shorter than I added to her cuteness.

Damn, I really had it for her.

But, I couldn't see her again.

"I completely believe you, Noah," Shay said sarcastically.

"Do you know she wants to invent a machine that completes her homework? How cool is that!" I told Shay, who simply shook her head.

"She's a nerd then. A lazy one at that." Shay dismissed, and I found myself glaring at her.

"Don't say that. You don't know anything about her," I huffed. "And what if she is? I don't care."

"In case you haven't noticed, the sooner you forget her, the better it is. It's going to be a lot harder to get over her when you realise that you won't ever see her again." Shay told me coolly, now taking the bottle out of my hand.

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