Chapter 9

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That very evening, we held the funeral for Truffles, feeling the warm sun on my face mingled with wet tears. The air was still, and the surroundings were quiet, nothing like what Truffles was.

I thought about the day I'd first brought Truffles home, her soft little barks lighting up the atmosphere, forcefully pulling my parents out of grief. I remembered how healing her presence was, her large curious eyes were enough to make me forget my worries.

Of course, Mike only knew Truffles for a few days after the accident, but his eyes were red too. My parents stood next to each other, as her coffin was lowered into the earth, watching it with regret.

The funeral ended on a quiet note, and we all went inside, feeling more helpless than ever. Clover lit scented candles next to Truffles and meditated, to find out the state her spirit was in.

"Can Clover really do that?" Mike whispered to me, looking awed, but also slightly scared.

"Well, I don't know." I shrugged truthfully. "It's fine, Clover's no expert. She just started getting into spirituality." I assured him.

"Oh okay." He leaned back, still watching her. "I was afraid she could read my mind."

"And why is that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at Mike.

Mike gave me a lopsided grin, and whispered, "I kinda... Sorta have a thing for her."

"Ooohhh," I whispered back, giving him a playful punch.

"Don't tell her, Renee," He shook his finger in warning.

I mimed zipping my lips. "You're secret is safe with me."

We fell into a peaceful silence, where I thought about Truffles. I wondered if Noah had been assigned to her spirit again, and he'd somehow seen me.

Why hadn't Noah tried to contact me again?

Was he forbidden to?

Then I sighed, thinking about Noah wouldn't bring me to him. It was the same case with Truffles too.

Then Clover suddenly opened her eyes.

"Renee," she spoke urgently, "Truffles wants to talk to you."

Mike threw me a surprised glance, mouthing the word, 'Wow!'

"You need to sleep, Truffles is waiting for you," She told me.

"Okay," I replied, moving back to my room. As I lied down, my eyes fell on the meditation stimulator.

Maybe it could help me channel my energy onto Truffles.

I picked it up, making sure that the generator was in place. I lowered the current entering the device, hoping that it would be enough.
Finally, I placed the helmet on my head and fastened the straps. Closing my eyes, I tried to meditate on Truffles, to locate her energy.

Soon enough, I heard her happy little barks.
"Renee! Renee!" They seemed to call out to me.

Then Truffles came up to me, wagging her tail to and fro. The surroundings became clearer, and I realise that it was my backyard.

"Renee!" She barked again, and somehow I'm able to understand her. I wondered if it had anything to do with being a Spirit or if it was because I was using my device.

"Hey girl!" I told her, running my hand over her golden head. She licked my cheek, yet there's a tiny part of sadness hidden in her eyes.

This might be the last time ever.

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