Chapter 16

148 36 315

30th May 2019


"Where have you been?"

It wasn't Shay. It wasn't even one of the other Spirit guides either.

It was my boss, the Higher Spirit Sir Claudius.

Sir Claudius sat before me, his face as blank as ever. His robes were shockingly white and blinding like they were weaved out of light. Higher Spirits were eerie since none of their facial features was detailed, all constantly blurring and shifting with one another.

They could lower their dimensional energy, from the ninth to the seventh dimension, and look more human. However, they didn't because they were huge show-offs, trying to appear as though they were better than the rest.

"I have been on duty," I replied as calm as possible, "I was collecting the soul of-"

"I meant to say, where were you before, Spirit Guide Noah Stark? We were unable to find you in the Spirit Realm." Claudius said through telepathy, his voice resembling the drone of a vacuum cleaner.

Shay had warned me earlier that my absence wouldn't go unnoticed. That I had to stay prepared with my fake story of losing energy and passing out at home.

Before Claudius had met up with me, I'd whipped out a bit of the remaining Shield, protecting the core of memories that revolved around Renee and her Realm. It has been a year since I've done that, a year since Isaac was severed from the Realm.

"I have been at home, Sir Claudius," I told him steadily, carefully watching his bland face for a reaction. "I lost energy."

"You lost energy." He repeated in a sad voice. "Tell me, Noah, what do you gain by deceiving all of us? Why the tales of falsehood?"

"I have no motive to lie, Sir," I replied quickly and saw him shaking his head hopelessly. "You can examine my mind."

"I can see the deception in your eyes, child. Why would I need to penetrate your mind?"

For once, I wished I was a higher Spirit, dead of emotions. Because my stupid face was a giveaway and I hastily drained my face of any guilt that might have crept up.

Suddenly Claudius looked directly into my eyes, into my mind. The deep black orbs pierced through my memories and found an image of me lying on my bed, unconscious. I hold the thought with conviction and believe the reality it projected.

I had been at home. I had passed out.

And now I was fine again.

Finally, Claudius withdrew his x-ray examination, his eyes now trailing down my face for any stray emotions. My heartbeat steadied and I looked at him back in the eye.

I didn't think that he believed me. But he had no proof to frame me either.

"You may leave," Claudius said abruptly, as my eyes withdrew from his.

Bet he didn't like me staring at him in the eye. He couldn't bear to get a taste of his own medicine.

"Thank you, Sir," I said clearly, and bowed my head, before heading through the door.

"Maybe I can't find your memories Noah," He said in a dangerously gentle voice, dripping like sweet poison. "But I will certainly find out where you have been."

I turned behind to give him a clueless gaze, but he had already left, his chair as empty as if it had never been occupied.


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