12.Reading Chase's diary

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We were all scattered around Paytons room,I was on the floor laying on Paytons lap while she layed against the bed,Chase was on her office chair at her desk drawing on a piece of paper,and Jayden and Aiden were cuddled up together fast asleep on her bed.

They act all macho around other people but the truth is their a couple of softies who want nothing more than food and to snuggle.

I looked up at Payton who seemed deep in thought and sad,I softly poked her in the stomach to get her attention and she finally looked down at me,I raised my eyebrows asking her what's wrong,she smiles and shook her head no.


"I'm going to go downstairs to grab some more snacks"she says and got up and walked out of the room,I looked at her desk that still had a bunch of snacks.

I frowned and noticed Chase was looking at me then back at his paper,I got up and walked over to see what he was drawing.I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned over his shoulder to see what he was drawing,I was caught off guard to see that he drew Payton and I,but he completely used his imagination.

Instead of being in Paytons room he drew us laying in a field of sunflowers which are Paytons favourite,smiling,what was cute was that Paytons oxygen tank was drawn with the exact doodles from the day we were at school in history when Jayden continuously complained.Everythung about the drawing was amazing from the shading to details,it was just perfect,and in the top left conner read:The 3 stugers Good girls, and in the bottom right conner was his neat signature which looked professional.

He actually could draw.

Payton came back into the room with more Doritos,Lays and candy,"imma join the snuggle session over there I'm pretty tired,wake us up if absolutely necessary"she says while climbing onto the bed which woke Jayden up,he was like a needy baby stretching out his arms for his mom to pick him up,Payton layed on the edge of the bed held by Jayden who was held by Aiden.


Chase and I chuckled and took photos of them.

I turned my attention back to him,I grabbed his hand and led him to the window.We climbed out and over the tree and into my bedroom"I want to show you something"I say opening my bedroom door and walking into the hallways towards my painting room,my heart was racing and my body was on fire,nobody has ever seen my paintings except my mom and I.I don't know what other people will think of them and after seeing how good Chase is kinda makes me alot more nervous.

He followed behind me,I hesitantly opened the door and just stepped in thinking there's no going back,I gestured for him to come in and he did just so looking up and around at all the paintings on the wall,a few layed on the floor but we're rested up against the wall,and there was a blank canvas in the middle of the room.

I say we make a run for it.


I agree with my subconscious for once and turned on my heels and attempted to scadaddle but Chase grabbed me from behind and placed me back in the room.

Darn me for being such a noodle.

"Where are you going to"he asks me looking around my room,I crossed my fingures he doesn't ask me about the painting with the green eyes that has darkness sprawling out behind it with stars lighting up the darkness.

My imagination is confusing I'm sorry.

And with just my luck he stopped right infront of it and stared.Maybe he won't ask and just walk right by to the next which was a pencil and charcoal drawing of a guy in a plain white dress shirt which was unbuttoned,matched with black jeans which were ripped at the knees in doc Martin's who was eating pop-corn and his friend was behind him ruffling his hair with his arm around his neck.

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