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Qibli: I got a letter from Queen Thorn!

Tide: What is it?

Qibli: She wants us to test her security by launching a fake raid of the treasury!

Kinkajou: Sounds fun!

Peril: And, you have a firescales on your side, so you can basically steal anything.

Winter: Unless you burn one of us.

Peril: I'll serve as a lookout then.

Anemone: LET'S DO IT!!!

Turtle: But wait, if we wanted to steal gold couldn't Tide just snap and we get it all?

Tide: It's a drill though. And one the guards don't know about, so it's like a pop quiz almost.


Qibli: Time to steal some gold.

*A few hours latergh*

Qibli: All set?

Everyone: *nods*

Tide: Infiltration plan #28 is a go!

Tide: *snaps*

Everyone: *looks like adult versions of themselves*

Kinkajou: So cool!

Tide and Anemone: *walk up to the treasury guards*

Winter and Qibli: *fly up and sneak above the guards*

Kinkajou, Turtle, and Peril: *spread out*

Guard 1: Hey, you dragons aren't supposed to be here!

Guard 2: Yeah!

Tide: *fake accent* Sorry for the intrusion, fellows. But it seems a thief has made it into the vault.

Guard 1: Impossible!

Anemone: HEY!!!

Everyone: *looks at Anemone*

Anemone: *starts doing a crazy dance*

Tide: second.

Tide: *whispers to Anemone* What in the moons are you doing!?

Anemone: Plan #28!

Tide: That's plan #82!

Anemone: Uh, I'm pretty sure this is #28.

Tide: *facetalons* we need to work on our numbering system. *Turns to the guards*

Tide: Like I was saying, there's a thief!

Guard 2: And like we said, that's impossible.

Anemone: Did it occur to you that he could've used sleeping darts?

Guard 2: A...good point.

Tide: Of course, we'll give anyone a handsome reward for assistance if his capture.

Guard 1: A handsome reward, eh?

Anemone: Mad bricks of gold my friend.

Guard 2: Okay, but I want to see the gold first.

Tide: Sure! It's, uh, up there. *Points up*

The guards: *look up*

Qibli and Winter: *drop boulders on the guards*

Guards: *fall unconscious*

Kinkajou: We're all clear!

Tide: *opens the door* now let's get out of here!

Peril: But you didn't get the treasure!

Qibli: Remember? The drill was to see if we could make it this far!

Queen Thorn: *flies down* And it seems it worked.

Tide: *snaps and they become their regular selves*

Thorn: Maybe I should get guards that don't fall for tricks like that...

Peril: we get any gold?

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