The Mistletoe

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*Tide appears*

Tide: Yeah?

Kinkajou: We have received the best dare yet! It's from DragonsNotWyverns!

Tide: What is it?

Kinkajou: Remember the letter Winter sent to Lynx?

Tide: What about it?

Kinkajou: We have to follow them and spy on their date!

Tide: It's not a date though.

Kinkajou: It totally is!

Tide: And we just spy on them?

Kinkajou: No! The best part is that you have to hang a mistletoe above their heads!

Tide: *grins* there can only be one answer to that dare...

Kinkajou: *making puppy eyes*

Tide: *puts on sunglasses and summons a speaker to play spy music*

Tide: *in a serious and deeper voice* Let's do this!

Kinkajou: YEEEEES!

Kinkajou: Also, you're outfit's all wrong.

*Speaker screeches*

Tide: How?

Kinkajou: Here *takes off sunglasses and replaces them with those fake nose and mustache glasses*

Kinkajou: There!

Tide: This is very uncomfortable...

Tide: Also, everyone will be able to know it's me! Besides, it's useless since we'll be hiding!

Kinkajou: It's just for fun! Now come on!!

Tide: Wait!!! *Grabs Kinkajou*

Tide: We can't get over the Great Ice Cliff! Remember?

Kinkajou: Can't you teleport us straight there?

Tide: *facetalon* Ok let's go.

Kinkajou: I'll get the mistletoe!

*Several hours latergh*

*Winter flies to a beach on the shores of the Ice Kingdom. Lynx is there waiting. It's midnight.*

Winter: Lynx!

Lynx: *make a heartwarming smile* Winter!!

*Tide and Kinkajou are hiding in the snow piles*

Tide: How do I hang the mistletoe?

Kinkajou: Ohh, didn't think of that. There's a pine tree there you can put it on.

Kinkajou: Why is there a pine tree at the beach?

Tide: It's the Ice Kingdom!

Tide: Shhh, the trees to their left so we have to wait before they go there.

Lynx: I'm so glad you're here! *Tackles and hugs Winter*

Winter: Me too! *Grinning like Qibli*

Kinkajou: Whoa, I barely see him crack a smile!

Tide: sshhh

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