Kinkajou's Ship show part 5: Another Successful Ship

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Kinkajou: Hello, fans! *presses a button and an automated applause and cheer sounds through speakers*

Moon: We have come to you to ask for more content with ships!

Kinkajou: Oh, I forgot to tell you, I had an idea for an AWESOME one!

Kinkajou: *Whispers in Moon's ear*

Moon: *Le gasp* Ewwww!!!

Kinkajou: What!? It's perfect!

Moon: If you say so...

Moon: Anyways, *Points to a huge button on the table in front of them*

Kinkajou: Oh, yeah! Once I push this two random dragons will come to share their opinion of the ship!

Kinkajou: Will you do the honors, Moon?

Moon: Gladly *gently pushes button*

Kinkajou: What was that? You have to do it in a dramatic matter! Like this... *Smashes button*


*nothing happens*

Kinkajou: *Waiting expectantly*

Moon: *Looks left and right and has no idea what to be waiting for*

Winter: *Busy fixing one of the lights*

Kinkajou: QIBLI! The button was your cue!

Qibli: *In the back room* Oh! Whoops! *puts down his book titled "How to impress your girlfriend without looking like a total weirdo" and flies to the levers*

Moon: It's the blue one!

Qibli: Right!

Kinkajou: No! The left!

Moon: Oof.

*Two curtains open up and Tide and Anemone appear*

Kinkajou: EEEEK! What are the odds?

Moon: They were random, right?

Kinkajou: YEP!

Tide: Why are we on your show?

Anemone: I'd like to not be famous for one day, thanks!

Kinkajou: Wait, you want to not be famous?

Anemone: Just for a day. I'm always surrounded because I'm the princess and it can get annoying after a while. I was planning on putting on this disguise for the day. *Puts on fake glasses and a mustache*

Tide: You know that we can all tell that you're you right?


Kinkajou: No worries, not many people watch this show anyways.

Kinkajou: *Checks the machine behind her that tells her how many viewers there are*

Machine: *100k viewers*

Anemone: Ok, so why are we here though?

Kinkajou: You have to give your opinions on this new ship I have created!

Tide: Oh boy, I smell a recipe for disaster...

Kinkajou: *Whispers the ship name in their ears*

Tide: WHAT!?


Kinkajou: What's wrong with Ostrid?

Tide: Um, the fact that its OSTRICH AND SQUID!!

(A/N I know that Ostrich is like 3 but in this fanfic, I made her 4)

Kinkajou: What's wrong? It's PERFECT! It's as unexpected and adorable as Aukliff; has as much drama as Winterwatcher... *Moon waves her talon across her throat, Qibli grunts, and Winter isn't even listening because he can't fix the light for some reason*

Kinkajou: And it's also a bit like Ceril!

Tide: Okay, I see your points... BUT STILL!

Anemone: I think I've met Squid once...

Tide: You're lucky it was just once! That guy can complain your ears off!

Kinkajou: But think about it! Sweet, adorable Clay changed the feisty inferno that was Peril! Can't little cute Ostrich change Mr. Whines-a-lot?

Moon: I still don't know.

Qibli: *Pokes his head out* I THINK THIS IS A TERRIBLE IDEA!

Kinkajou: He's biased because he's like Ostrich's care taker.

Qibli: NOPE! I genuinely think this is a terrible idea!

Tide: Me too.

Anemone: I kinda see some potential...

Kinkajou: I think I just turned Anemone into a shipper!

Kinkajou: Now I just have to make her ship Tanemone!

Anemone and Tide: No way!

Kinkajou: Eh, it was worth a shot.

Kinkajou: LET'S GO!

Tide: Where?

Kinkajou: We have to get Squid and Ostrich to meet up!

Anemone: I just realized that they don't know each other...

Tide: Ooohh boy...

*Two hours latergh*

*Kinkajou and Squid fly into JMA*

Squid: Why are we here!? I wanted to do some stealth practice!

Kinkajou: You call that stealth? That was you acting like a drowning chicken!

Moon: *walking around the corner* I think they're around here...

Ostrich: Oh, hi!



Ostrich: Are you okay?


Kinkajou: *Whispering to Moon* I told you this would be awesome!

Squid: *continues staring at Ostrich*

Ostrich: Are you sick *Puts her talon on his forehead*

Squid: *Blushes and becomes super hot*

Tide: *Appears from behind a corner* That's the first time I've ever seen that guy quiet...

Ostrich: Is he okay?

Kinkajou: He's sick...

Ostrich: Really?

Kinkajou: *Whispers in Ostrich's ear* Lovesick...

Ostrich: Oooohhhh okay.

Ostrich: Well, it's nice to meet you...what's your name?

Squid: U-u-u-uhh S-s-s-s-squid...

Ostrich: Nice to meet you! I'm Ostrich! *Shakes Squid's talon*


Ostrich: You want to come to my cave?

Squid: U-uh s-sure! *Walks away with Ostrich*




Kinkajou: EEEEEEK!!!

Winter: *Flies towards them* I fixed the light!

Winter: *Looks at everyone being speechless and Squid and Ostrich walking away*

Winter: What'd I miss?

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