Connecting with Nature

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Winter: *playing Super Smash Bros Ultimate*

Qibli: *sNaTcHeS tHe SwItCh*

Winter: Hey!

Qibli: You need to get off this thing, man.

Winter: GIMME!!! *Reaches for the switch*

Qibli: Nope!

Winter: AAAARGH!!

Qibli: Sorry, bro!

Winter: Ugh, fine.

Qibli: Tide?

Tide: *appears* sure *snaps*

Qibli and Winter: *appear directly under a waterfall*

Winter: OUCH!! *flies off the rocks*

Qibli: What? Isn't it relaxing to sit under a waterfall with the water flowing on your back?

Winter: NO! It's like a bunch of rocks falling on me!!!

Qibli: You need to get out more. *Drags winter to the waterfall*

Winter: Rrrrrrrrgh I hate you!

Qibli: Noted. Now RELAX!!!

*Two hours latergh*

Tide: *flying around* I still don't see them.

Moon: THERE! *Points to Qibli and Winter*

Qibli and Winter: *still relaxing*

Tide: How do they stay there for two hours straight? Isn't it freezing?

Moon: Winter's an Icewing, but Qibli must be a dragon-popsicle by now. *Flies down*

Moon: *shouting over the waterfall* QIIIIBLIIIIIIIII!!!

Qibli: Oh! Hey, Moon!

Moon: Three moons! What in the world are you two doing?

Winter: Letting the anxieties in our brains wash away with the current of the water.

Moon: Eh?

Qibli: Sorry, I had him listen to an audiobook about meditating and he's been like this for a hour.

Winter: Oooooommmmmmmmm

Qibli: It's a bit annoying to be honest.

Moon: I'll bet. So, you broke Winter?

Qibli: Yep.

Tide: *flies down* Oof. Lynx isn't gonna be happy about that.

Qibli: Actually... *Points next to Winter*

Lynx: *lying down next to Winter*

Lynx and Winter: Oooooommmmmm

Qibli: I kinda had 'em both read it.

Tide: Since Winter is broken we'll say it for him

Moon and Tide: *facetalons* Ay yi yi.

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