Pantala Games

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Tide: I'm just concerned about the future of the coexistence of the two continents...

Qibli: What's he talking about?

Winter: Does anyone ever know what he's talking about?

Qibli: Eh, good point.

Kinkajou: Are you talking about Pantala?

Anemone: I think so?

Tide: Yeah, just wondering that if we go there thing will change a bit.

Anemone: Well, it's not like this is canon so nothing bad's gonna happen.

Tide: OCH! *facetalon* DUH!

Tide: *snaps and they're transported to Pantala*

Anemone: So.....

Kinkajou: What do we do?

Peril: Finally be able to walk around in the open without burning anything? *skips away*

Kinkajou: Yeah! WHERE ARE THE TREES!?









Kinkajou: uuhhh

Moon: Now what?

Qibli: *doodles in the sand*

Winter: *breaths ice on random stuff*

Tide: The dare was to just do random stuff so...

Anemone: *pulls out a sketchpad and starts drawing*

Moon: I guess we're doing random stuff...

Kinkajou: Let's get back to the matter of the dodgeball game variants!

Winter: All I know is that I will not do the flaming arrow ones.

Kinkajou: What if we did mangos? We could throw them and instead of catching them we have to eat them!

Tide: That sounds like the perfect way to get a stomach ache.

Kinkajou: Mango baseball?

Qibli: Won't the mangos just splatter into a mess of goo though?

Kinkajou: Good point...

Moon: Coconut bowling?

Tide: That actually sounds a bit fun!

Anemone: Let's make the pins a bunch of crabs!!

Turtle: One problem: where are we going to find any of that stuff here?

Tide: *snaps and a bunch of coconuts and trained crabs appear*

Qibli: How do we always manage to forget he can do that?

Anemone: All right, let's play!

*Some time latergh*

Anemone: I think we're out of crabs...

Kinkajou: Turtle! Stop eating our pins!!!

Turtle: What!? Crabs are my favorite! *SnEaKs AnOtHeR cRaB*

Turtle: And they're even better with the butter!

Moon: Where did you--you know what? I don't want to know.

Turtle: Hey, I always come prepared with butter.

Anemone: You sure you didn't just forget to put it away earlier so it was in your bag?


Tide: Yep.

Wings of Fire-TRUTH or DARE!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat