The Kool Kid

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Tide: *holding a scroll*

Tide: I have updated the truth or dare contract!

Tide: *looks around and realizes he's in the history cave*

Tide: Uuhhh...why do I keep getting lost?

Tide: *snaps and accidentally teleports himself into Tsunami's cave*

Tide: Hey gu-- uuuuhhhh-oohhhh

*Tsunami gets up and looks super creepy because she's wearing the green face mud, cucumber slices, and a blue towel*

Tide: Uuhhhhh nevermind! *Flies away*

*Tsunami's cucumbers fall down and her eyes are twitching*

Tide: Please say this is the right cave... *Walks into Anemone's cave and sees Ostrich dancing to rock music*

Tide: Um ok? *Flies away before Ostrich sees him*

Tide: Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please PLEASE BE THE RIGHT CAVE!!!

*Tide walks into an empty sleeping cave*

Tide: Oohhh, right, some new students are coming here.

Tide: *flies to another cave* wait... This is my cave...

*Tide snaps and teleports himself to a random Skywing girl's cave*

Tide: Oops! Sorry!

Random Skywing: It's ok! Hey, while you're here, do you wanna Kiss?

Tide: Uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Skywing: NO! Not that kiss! BLECH! *Hands him a Hershey kisses chocolate* (P.S. this has happened to me before!)

Tide: Oh, thanks! *Takes the chocolate and leaves*


Tide: *realizes there's a map right next to him and facetalons*

Tide: Why am I just realizing that in the only one who facetalons a lot? *shrugs*

Tide: *looks at the map* oohhh *snaps and he finally arrives at the right cave*

Tide: Uuuuuugh I just went on I wild goose chase!

Kinkajou: I bet! You look like you had to look into several caves before finding ours!

Tide: Uuuuhhh.

Tide: Anyways, I updated the Truth or Dare contract!

Turtle: What did you change?

Tide: I granted Qibli and Lynx special privileges to be able to deny a dare if a majority of the JW, including me, Anemone, Lynx, and anyone I decide to add later, vote against it!

Peril: Wait, how did you change it? Isn't that against the rules?

Tide: It is. In order to do it, I had to consult *dramatic voice* THE AUTHOR!!!

Turtle: The....

Kinkajou: Author?

Tide: No... *Dramatic voice* THE AUTHOR!!!

Qibli: Oooookay.

Tide: Anywho, I also have a dare for Kinkajou!

Kinkajou: Yes! *Arm pumps*

Tide: You must wear these all around school today! *Tosses her a pair of this 8-bit sunglasses*

Kinkajou: aaawww yeah!!

Kinkajou: *puts the glasses on* what up dawg?


*Two hours latergh*

Webs: How many years ago was she Scorching?

Kinkajou: As many years as you are old!


Entire class: *breaks into laughter*

Turtle: Not again, Kinkajou. PLEASE COME BACK TO ME!

Tide: Relax, Romeo! *Snaps and Kinkajou is turned back to normal*

Kinkajou: yikes! Are those glasses enchanted?

Tide: Yep, sorry I forgot to tell you.

Kinkajou: Eh, I'll just ask next time.

Random dragon acting as an announcer: Kids, never put on magic glasses that make you rude at home.

Kinkajou: EEEP! Who was that!?

Tide: Some random dragon placed by *dramatic voice* THE--

Winter: Yeah yeah the author we get it!

Wings of Fire-TRUTH or DARE!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt