Internet Friends (Solangelo)

Start from the beginning

Have a great Thanksgiving! Why did the turkey cross the road?

I looked at the text, thinking. This person just goes to my school or live in the area to know we're on break. 


To prove he wasn't a turkey!

That was awful.

You loved it, don't lie

 Maybe. Any plans for break?

I'm still not sure what brought on the question but I never regretted it. That question turned my life right side up. 

Actually yeah, I'm going to invite my neighbor over. 

Oh, cool.

The person didn't respond. That night while preparing my top ramen, someone knocked on my door. Will stood in yellow PJs with a box of candy and movies in his arms. 

"Uh, hi? I have things for a movie night," Will said. I looked at the candies in the box. Reeses, Sourpatch, M&M's, Nerds, Licorice, Milk Duds, and Yorks. The offer became tempting.

"No, I have plans tonight." I tried to shut the door but Will stuck his foot out.

"Please! Just one movie then I'll leave." The candy is what won me over, not the spending time with Will part. He set the box on the coffee table while I ate my top ramen.

"Those noodles don't digest in your stomach," Will said and gestured to the ramen.

"Well that's a bummer isn't it?" Will went back to unpacking the box. I watched him from behind the counter. I never noticed his freckles or his blue eyes. The way a stray hair curled around his ear. I took a seat next to him on the couch.

"What movie?" he asked. I grabbed the first one I saw, Guardians of the Galaxy. Will put it in the DVD player while I reluctantly grabbed blankets.

"You're not changing into PJs?" Will asked me. I looked down at my outfit. Black jeans and a light gray sweater. 

"No." We snacked on the candy and halfway through Will forced me to make popcorn. We stayed a respectful distance on the couch and only talked when I was confused about the movie.

"So Thanos is purple? Like a smurf? But he snaps and people die?" I asked. 

"Uh, sure. Let's just go with that, the basics. You have to watch all the Marvel movies." Will said and then went down the list of movies. I found myself enjoying it. Eating candy and popcorn while watching and listening to Will's occasional input was an activity that made me feel content. 
"We should do this again," I said shyly when Will was leaving.

"Tomorrow night? We can watch Marvel movies."

"Sure." Will came over every night for the whole break. He couldn't visit his family due to his studies and my family was complicated, so we had Thanksgiving together.

"I think you're starting to like me, Di Angelo," Will teased. They didn't put the effort into Thanksgiving and instead had mac and cheese and garlic bread. Will insisted on adding strawberries because it wasn't healthy enough. 

"Only in your dreams," I replied. We continued to have a movie night after class. We would walk to school together and I started attending all my classes. One night while we were watching AntMan, I stared at Will. I never noticed his pretty smile or soft, nimble hands. The realization hit me so hard I felt like I was growing. I was falling for Will Solace. 

Later that night I paced my room with my phone in my hand. 


Hey, what's up?

I have a strange question

Okay, go on

how do you hint to someone that you like them?

I panicked when an answer did come within the next five minutes. Maybe they didn't want to answer? 

For me, you don't. Just flat out tell them. 

Okay, thanks

Could I do that? I imagined telling Will how I felt. There would be lots of stuttering and awkwardness, but I wanted to do it. 

The next day, Saturday, Will picked me up for a walk.

"You need to get some sun," he complained. He had brought his dog (the one that trampled me) with him. 

"What's, um, what's it named?" I asked. Will gave the dog a scratch between the ears.

"She's a girl and her name is Mrs.O'leary." The walk was pleasant. We took a trip around the playground and grabbed Starbucks on the way back. I couldn't help but admire Will. His hair, eyes, laugh, he's perfect. I wanted to tell him so bad. At the apartment and after Will put away Mrs.O'leary, I told him.

"This isn't really easy for me. Look, I like being around you." Will stood patiently as I spoke. My voice shook with nerves and I kept fidgeting.

"I... I like your face." My face burned and Will chuckled. 

"No, no, um, you matter to me. A lot. And if you ever got hurt I'd be hurt too because I hate seeing you hurt and I know I'm... me... but I really like. So much it's probably an unhealthy obsession. That sounds weird, I'll stop talking." Will was smiling, but I couldn't see that. My face was turned to the carpet and I tugged at my hair. I made a huge fool of myself. Will was probably straight. I scared him.

"I'm sorry, I-" Will lifted my face and pressed his lips against mine. It was a quick peck, but it meant the world.

"I like you, too. Maybe even love, but we'll come back to that." Will loved me. I haven't heard those words in a while. Tears leaked from my eyes. I couldn't hold it together. I was so scared he'd reject me. I sunk to the floor and Will followed.

"Hey don't cry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry. Hey, hey, you're okay." My laugh came out wet and clogged. Will held my hand and ran his fingers through my hair with the other. 

"I love you, too," I said. Will paused and then hugged me. He started crying and I continued to cry.

"We're such a mess," Will sobbed. We had gone from hate, to like, to love in less than a year. It was messy and cliche, but it was ours. Our story.

Unedited. I couldn't find the will (get it) to edit. I haven't updated in a while and I feel bad, so here this is. I really want to write a Christmas one-shot, we'll see what happens. The chart AU plan fell to pieces, I'm currently writing out of order. Until then, Happy Holidays!

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