Chapter Twenty Six

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The days began to blur together. It felt as if my life was trapped in an endless and painful cycle. 

The cycle consisted of waking up early to head to training. There, I would mess around and flirt with Jean constantly. Levi would try his best to ignore me, but that didn't stop the death stares that he would shoot Jean. 

After training, I would head to medical with Jean and spend the rest of the afternoon with him. Our friendship was strengthening rapidly, but I still refrained from telling him about my night terrors. 

He knew I had them, considering he could hear me screaming during the night, but he didn't know what they were about. And to give me my privacy, he didn't ask.

After saying goodbye to Jean, I would attempt to get some sleep.

 I would scream at the top of my lungs, cry, and sweat from being haunted by both Emeline and my father. 

Following this, I would be awoken by Hanji silencing my screams and holding me until the tears stopped flowing. She would lightly pat my head and whisper to me"Shhhh, you're ok Y/N, I'm here". 

Then repeat.


Ignored by Levi.


Night terrors.

Cuddles from Hanji.



Ignored by Levi.


Night terrors.

Cuddles from Hanji.


The night terrors never stopped coming, which caused Hanji to start sleeping on the floor next to my bed. 

The Scouts in the neighboring rooms would curse and bang on their walls to tell me to shut up. But I couldn't stop the nightmares from coming.

And they were getting worse.

With this constant cycle, the weeks flew past in front of my eyes. 

Before I knew it, almost two weeks had passed.


This is a time skip, the next chapter will be the night before the Scouting mission. 

Also, here's a small and special treat :)

 Want to know what was going through Levi's head during these two weeks?

Levi's POV

'Stay away from her'. 

Easier said than done four eyes.

I twisted and turned alone in my bed, unable to find any form of comfort. I stretched my hand out to my left, feeling for her, even though I knew she wasn't there. 

Seeing her everyday and watching her talk and laugh with Horseface was driving me insane. The way that he can hold and embrace her, and I can't. 

I still had no idea why I feel so strongly about this brat, all I knew was that I am extremely possessive of her.

With a groan, I sat up and ran a hand through my messy hair. 

Even though I felt extremely protective and... almost jealous, I was at least happy that she had someone that could make her smile. 

Even if it wasn't me.

I brought my fists up to rub my eyes roughly. My fatigue was growing worse with each day.

Her screams echoed through my mind, as they had been ever since I heard her that first night. 

I regret my actions so much. I had stood frozen outside of her door when I should have run in there and pulled her into my arms. I should have been the one to dry her tears, but instead, I just left her there. 

I already have problems sleeping, but now every time I try to close my eyes, all I can hear are her shrieks and cries, begging for someone to save her. 

And I couldn't do anything.

With a sigh, I shifted to the side of my bed and rose to my feet. 

It was almost time. 

I walked over to my couch and gazed at the black cardigan that I had draped over the arm. 

Her cardigan. 

The one that she had been wearing that night, the same one that I had hid after she had fallen asleep. 

That definitely wasn't my most mature move, but I felt like I needed something of her's. 

I wanted part of her to always be with me. 

My attachment to her was still growing, despite my change in behaviour. I thought that if I distanced myself from her, the feelings would disappear. But instead, the opposite had happened. 

I craved her even more now.

The reason for this desire still remained unknown. I have never felt this way about a person in my life.

And I am afraid of these feelings.

I ran my fingers over the cloth lightly, wishing that she was here with me now.

I sighed and grabbed my grey jumper that was laying next to it. I pulled it over my head as I stumbled through my office and into the stone corridor. 

I was truly a mess.

While smoothing down my hair, I walked my usual path through the hallways. 

This was something that I had been doing every night when I was unable to sleep. No one knew I did this of course. If Hanji found out, she would most likely reprimand me again. 

Only a few more steps until I-

"STOP IT, STOP IT PLEASE!" Y/N's screams were audible and were echoing through the hallways. 

Her screams were heart breaking and unyielding. They shook me to my core and pleaded me to take action.

I walked closer to her door now and leant my back against the stone wall outside of it, like I do every night. 

"Shhhh Y/N, you're alright." I could hear Hanji trying to comfort her from inside of Y/N's room. 

Y/N was still panting and sniffling as Hanji hugged her. 

I slid my back down the wall to sit on the cold stone. My head hung low in my lap from despair. 

I'm so sorry. I thought to myself, wishing that I could say those words to her.

But as Hanji had warned,

I would only hurt her.

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