30. "The world is coming to an end"

Start from the beginning

"Impressive." she said, and then she looked back at him. It was like she showed respect for me for the first time since I'd met her. "But how is it possible?" she asked. Alexander walked to the mini fridge that was close to the hot tub and he opened it.

"That's what I hope that damn book will tell me." he said.

Once he opened the door of the little fridge I noticed a lot of empty bottles. They used to have blood in them, but now they were empty. I wondered who had drunk them. Alexander took one bottle full of blood, and he threw it to Jacqueline, who gladly accepted it. Her fangs shined bright and long once she opened the bottle and she started drinking. I looked away.

"All I know for now is that she can channel magic and tell if something bad is going to happen." Alexander said. Jacqueline finished up her bottle of blood in a heartbeat and threw the empty plastic on the floor. Alexander threw her another bottle. Jacqueline gladly received it and drank more blood. God, how much did she need?

"I can also feel human's emotions when I touch them. Sometimes they're so intense I don't even have to touch them to feel them." I admitted. I thought given the fact that I was now on constant danger it would be a good time to put all the cards on the table and see if they could do anything with that information. Alexander looked at me with curiosity, then he pulled another bottle full of blood from the fridge.

"Interesting." he said, like he was thinking out loud. Jacqueline finished her second bottle of blood and I noticed her skin started to look alive and flawless again. She threw the empty bottle on the floor and Alexander threw her another one.

A ring filled up the silence in the room; Alexander's phone. He looked at it for a second and his face completely shifted.

"Shit." he exclaimed. Jacqueline finished her third bottle and tossed it to the floor once again.

"What?" she asked him, after cleaning up her mouth with the sheets and retracting her fangs.

Alexander didn't answer, he just walked to the little living area of the room and turned the TV on. The chatter filled my ears and it made me stand up and walk towards the TV. Jacqueline did the same.

"... we have reports of at least three hundred deaths all over the country in the hands of vampires. They're all found the same way; with their heads ripped from their bodies in a violent manner. The Academy has already come out to defend vampires and assure us that these are isolated accidents and that they are internally dealing with it, but the UN and most of us are not convinced." the anchor-man at the newscast said in disbelief.

"We recommend people to stay home and lock your doors. Remember they can't get inside your house unless you ask them to." the blonde woman sitting next to him spoke.

"What...?" I was shocked at what I was seeing. Alexander sat on the couch and put his head between his hands. Jacqueline sat next to him and put her hand on his knee.

"We have Rio Eaton, public representative of The Academy here with us." the woman said.

The screen split in two. In the one on the left was the news studio, and in the right there was Rio Eaton. I had seen him before a bunch of times in the news. Him and Antonella Kent were the vampires from The Academy in charge of public image. They always said that vampires were harmless with their big smiles and blonde hairs. They looked like twins, because they were both tall, blonde and beautiful. This time it was only Rio taking care of the problem, apparently.

"Rio thank you so much for joining us, would you mind telling us your stand on the situation?" the man asked him. Río smiled.

"Of course, Ronnie." he said, and then he took a deep breath, like he was contemplating what to say. "We are deeply sorry for the inconveniences we've caused and we're doing everything we can to control the vampire that's causing this much pain and sadness." Ronnie -the male news presenter- looked at the woman next to him and then he looked back at the camera.

Immortal Love Book #1. AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now