~Chapter 17~

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Author pov

'Honk Honk!'

Jimin pressed the life out of the horn switch even before he could park the car at his boyfriend's house, presumably awakening the whole neighbourhood.

"Aaaaa this bitch"
Jimin angrily pressed the middle of the steering wheel continuously.

"Jimin stop that, it's annoying"
Jin slapped his friend's hand from the steering wheel.

Jimin halted his action but not before honking one more time earning a glare from his passenger.

Min Yoongi, in all his morning glory, walked out of his house. His face screamed that he was not in a good mood, his cat-like eyes stare annoyingly at the car. He was moreover wearing similar attire like Seokjin and Jimin.

"I'll sit at the back"
Jin said, he unlocked his seatbelt and hurried at the back seat.

"Are you here to pick the whole damn neighbourhood!?"
Yoongi shouted out as soon he opened the passenger door.

"Yes!!! You are a whole damn neighbourhood!!"
Jimin shouted back with equivalent force.

Jin sighed at the spontaneous fight of the couple.
"Will you to stop fighting. We are already late"

Yoongi slam the door closed and put the seatbelt on.
"Okay let's go"

The silver-haired man turned on the engine, driving toward their final stop.

"No jimin we are graduating"
Yoongi spoke out at his boyfriend's dramatic act.
The backseater rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Come on let's go go go!"
Jin opened the door and hurried toward the ceremony hall.

"Why is he so excited?"
Yoongi asked he was fixing his hat through the rearview mirror.

"Namjoon is waiting for him"
Yoongi hummed at the answer.

"Oh, by the way, did I told you that my mom is also gonna attend the ceremony"


Jin jogged toward the auditorium. The ceremony location was full of students wearing graduation clothes with their families and friends. Everyone has beautiful smiles on their faces but their eyes were filled with tears, the parents were getting emotional, friends and batchmates were hugging each other. The room also has a subtle smell of flowers, perhaps from the dozens of bouquets.

Jin scanned for the familiar someone. He wasn't checking for his family, (they weren't able to attend the ceremony) but for someone closer to his heart.

He finally saw his Rain boy sitting at one of the red seats. Namjoon was wearing a light brown shirt with sleeves folded and black slacks. His hair was combed back showing his gorgeous forehead.

Jim noticed that his sweet boyfriend was holding a bouquet of yellow daffodils. He smiled shyly knowing who they were for.

Jin called out and waved his hand while running toward the mentioned name.

Namjoom looked up when he heard his name. A joyful smile appeared on his face when he saw his graduating boyfriend running to get in his arms.

Namjoon opened up his strong arm to embrace the love of his life. Seokjin jogged at his full speed and crashed into the strong chest happily. Namjoon twirls his boyfriend around lightly giving a peck on his head. The older snuggled more into the familiar affection.

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