~Chapter 14~

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Author pov

It was exactly two weeks after that extraordinary camping when namjoon asked jin for their official alone first date.

Namjoon was enthusiastic about the cafe he found out. The place was specially designed for lovers.
It's vintage romance vibe got namjoon hooked pretty badly.

All week namjoon was deliriously jumping like the tigger from Winnie the pooh.

He was so excited about the coming Sunday date that he couldn't control his heartbreak and tears when he saw his perfect date destination was close.

Namjoon cried out. No like he literally cried out. Big fat tears threatening to fall from his luxurious dragon eyes.

"Namjoonie don't cry. We can go somewhere else. First date can be anywhere if we have each other"

Jin was unable to control his giggle. He felt bad because the younger was very much excited about this
but the bigger part of his heart was cooing at his boyfriend.

Who would have thought that his mature calm boyfriend can be such a cute baby? But jin wasn't complaining he just want to drape the younger in a cute onesie and cuddle with him all day.

Well, that could wait because right now they were standing in front of the closed cafe. With one man almost in tears.
'Come on jin think fast'

"Hey, joonie let's go to the nearby mall. We can have a wonderfully romantic day over their"
Jin declared pulling the younger in the direction on the convenient mall.

"But I want our first date to be special in that special cafe not in some crowded mall"
Namjoon mumbled barely opening his mouth. He wiped out his tear with the back of his hand.

"Kim namjoon, we are gonna make our first date special by ourselves, not because of some random fascinating place. And if you want to go that much then we can come tomorrow. ok?"

"Yeah hyung"

"Good now let's go"
Jin pumped his fist showing his excitement.

"Sometimes I think I'm bottom and you're top"

"You're right namjoonie I can top you easily"

" oh please as if you can"

"Don't get me started Kim namjoon. You top because I let you bottom me"

Jin yelled while his boyfriend ran away which make him the sole victim of people's judgment stares and laugh.


The mall was as lively as ever. With its vibrant and joyful setting, instantly lighting up the mood although the noises of people chatting and other insignificant sounds were kinda loud and annoying, but it was nothing one can't handle.

The couple walked hand in hand appreciating the decor of the season.

At first, they walked aimlessly looking around each and everything. From makeup things to electronics only taking a look before leaving it.

"Hey joonie let's go over there"
Jin pointed out at a clothing store. The store as per the advertisement pasted on its glass panels has the latest winter wear collection that too at 50% discount.
Guess it was enough to invite two broke college students. Duh

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