~Chapter 13 (M)~

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Author pov

Namjoon stood up dusting invisible dirt from his clothes and gave his hand to Jin encouraging him to stand up.

"What are you doing?"
Jin asked when namjoon took him deeper into the woods.

Namjoon didn't say anything just smiling but Jin was not having it.

"Tell me please namjoonie"
Jin pleaded continuously.

"I saw this place in the woods on the internet which I want to visit with you"

"Okay, what is that place?"
Jin happily asked jumping like a small kid who is excited to go out and play.

"That's a surprise baby"
Namjoon smile, bopping his nose.
Both of them kept walking for a lengthy period of time.
Jin was back riding namjoon because he was tired and didn't want to walk anymore.
His cute tantrums killed namjoon's heart once again (but he wasn't complaining) so he finally offered to carry him.

"Namjoon -ah aren't you tired?
I know I am heavy. Put me down I can walk by myself now"
Jin mumbled face squished on the strong back of his love.

"Nope not gonna happen and you're not heavy Jinnie, you're perfect.

" How far is it?"
Jin asked.

"We'll be there in five minutes. But first, close your eyes"

"Nope I'm not gonna do that"





"Close your eyes jin or I'll never talk to you"
Namjoon said ending the silly name fight.

Jin squealed covering his eyes immediately. He was tempted to peek but didn't do it keeping the surprise element still active.
"Okay, we are here but don't open your eyes now!!."
Namjoon firmly said.
" I'm slowly gonna put you down."

Now that jin was standing on his own feet. Namjoon walked behind him replacing his hand with his own.

"Keep walking I'm gonna guide you"

In no time namjin arrived at their desired location.

"Now, I'm gonna remove my hand, okay"
Namjoon slides his hand off jin's eyes.

Jin slowly opened his eyes. The sight in front of him left him speechless.
He couldn't believe that a place like this exists in real life.
The scene was mythical.

In the middle of the darkness, there were thousands of fireflies radiating their light.

Under the full moon, these exceptional bugs are searching for their mate - their soulmate.

Their love dance is beyond the human to understand. All we could do is relish their presence.

Namjoon gently wrapped himself around the older. His hands on his slim waist and his head on his shoulder. Both of them silently enjoying the butterflies of the night time.

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