Ch 9: Resolve

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After Harriet Bree was knocked out by Winter a few hours ago, there was commotion about what happened. Of course not everyone knows what went down, but people do love a good rumor. You walk towards the infirmary to see how Harriet's doing, but before you could see her, your future opponent Winter Schnee was already there. You didn't know what happened but you can see Winter seems to be giving Harriet a stern lecture. About what, you don't know. As if sensing someone entering the room, Winter turns to face you with a confident smile.

Winter: "Why hello there Yuusha. I hope you're ready for our upcoming match up".

Y/n: "You bet I'm ready! This time, I'm gonna show this whole Academy what I'm made of"!

You declared confidently to her with a humble yet nervous smile. Let's not forget the reason you got here in the first place: because Brine screwed you over. At this point you have nothing more than your own self-reputation too lose, and you'd fight to the last drop of your aura too keep it.

'He is so fucking cute I can't stand it'.

Winter thought to herself while she kept her stoic demeanor. She looks back to Harriet who as of the moment is giving her a death glare. The two women lock eyes for a few more seconds before Winter decided to finally leave. As she leaves she looks back to you before looking at Harriet with a smug look.

Winter: "Remember what we discussed Ms. Bree. After all. Yuusha's well being is on the line here".

After Winter left the infirmary, you turn to Harriet and see that's she's a little banged up. She looks back to you with a mixed look of anger and worry, you haven't seen that look in a long while. She gave you that same expression after your team left you high, dry and alone. You give her some flowers but you weren't sure that she would accept them, but your surprise she did accept them without hesitation. Harriet smells the mixture of flowers and exhaled with a blissful sigh. Not what you'd expect from the fastest woman in Atlas Academy, but dare you say it was...cute.

Y/n: "Is everything ok between you and Winter? It seemed like for a second there you wanted to strangle her. And what did she mean 'my well being is on the line'? Just happened between you two"?

Harriet couldn't reply to that statement verbally, but she wanted to do just that. She had no idea that Winter was this type of person that she just witnessed a few hours ago. She then began to be filled with dread on what to do in this situation, she can't tell you or her team what happened or Winter leaks the footage throughout the Academy, but more specifically to you. She began to look back at you with sad eyes as she begins to tear up, but not before she caught the tear just in time.

Harriet: "Everything is fine Hero. Me and Winter just got into a friendly sparring match. But of course she won, you must be disappointed in knowing your sensei lost to the Ice Queen".

Y/n: "Too be fair. Winter is the General's right hand woman, and the toughest around. But I have a plan to beat her! I think"...

Harriet was clenching her fists on the covers. She didn't have time for half jokes or games. She knew she had to come up with a plan to keep you from fighting Winter in anyway possible. Then she realized that Winter has leverage against her: the video. But then Harriet came up with an idea that could work similar to Winters plan: Throw the fight. But it will have to take a different approach, she knows that if she flakes out in front of you, then you're basically screwed.

Harriet: "(Y/n) listen to me. The match has been updated to a doubles match, you and me vs. The Ice Queen and the turtle. And in my current condition I can't train you, you'll have to prepare on your own. Don't take this as a joke. Winter plans to fight with all she has. Be ready for anything"!

RWBY: Try to keep up!!! (Harriet Bree X M. Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu