Ch 2: The Hero vs The Hare

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3 days after the fight with Clover, Ironwood has announced that team FYTR would have a redemption match in hopes they can compete in the Vytal Festival. It came down to: Yuusha vs Harriet Bree. Much to Frees' protest, you were going back on the stadium floor to try and make up for the loss you suffered at the hands of Clover. Plus you sort of made a bet with her anyway, so no backing down now. You could hear the quiet jeers and insults thrown in your direction, but that didn't stop you. With fire in your eyes, you weren't backing down. This...was your moment for redemption!

Ironwood: "Alright. Just so we're clear. This will be Team FYTRs' last chance to qualify for the selection process for the Vytal Festival brackets coming up in 2 months. If (Y/n) wins, his team will advance. But if Harriet wins...Team FYTR will be given a failing score, and disbanded for remainder of the semester".


Free yells at the top of his lungs with wide eyes adorned in shock. He then looks down on you with a death glare so fierce, it could scare off a Beowolf.

Free: "Yuusha! You'd better win, or so help me OUM you're a dead man"!

You didn't listen to the peanut gallery. Instead you're razor focused on trying to take down the fastest woman in Atlas Academy. The spunky yet brash Harriet Bree; who was looking dead straight at you with eyes as sharp as a blade.

Harriet: "You ready to lose. Yuusha"?

She asked with an snarky gesture leaning forward with hands on her hips while also giving off a shit eating grin. Her very aura gives off a rather smug yet confident feeling. You couldn't see her aura. But you could feel it.

Y/n: "Oh I won't lose here cotton tail, You will"!

You declare confidently towards the now blushing Harriet who was taken aback by your remark about her nickname.

Harriet: "Oh! It's on now (Y/n)"!

Before Ironwood could probably start the match, Harriet zoomed right in front of you, followed by a swift kick to left side of your body. Your aura soaked up the damage but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt. Gripping your side, you draw sword and charge forward with break neck speeds towards Harriet. Harriet didn't see this coming. In fact she didn't know you could move this fast compared to her. She runs backwards dodging Crimson Fang's strike, she then circles around striking (Y/n) from behind. Harriet's speed makes it hard for (Y/n's) Semblance to work since his level of Precognition can't tag speedsters. At this point he can only rely on his instincts on where she'll attack next. But this also proves difficult.

Y/n: "Damn! I can't hit her. She's too fast"!

You say tightening your grip on Crimson Fang. You look up and see Harriet smirk at you with pride, and confidence knowing you won't win. She crouches down to your level taunting you.

Harriet: "Aww. Poor little Yuusha. It seems you're out of your-

Before she can finish her taunt, an ice dust blade strikes her from behind. You conjured an Ice blade out of thin air thanks to your gauntlet Crimson Chimera. You summon more to try and halt Bree's movements. But sadly, this was met with small success. Harriet walks away with only minor damage, and 20% of her aura was shaved off.

Harriet: "You clever bastard. Who'd have thought you'd try and trap 'Me' of all people. Ok time to respond in kind".

Y/n: ".....My turn.....".

With a flash of your eye's you read all the possible outcomes this match could end. You only saw two possible choices to win.

1: Slash at her Achilles tendon when her aura breaks to slow her down completely.

2: Use the Critical Blitz finish by sacrificing you 3/4ths of your own aura too ensure a victory.

But even you knew the second option is way too risky because you have to charge the attack with your aura to work, plus this leaves you wide open. But the future you saw with Critical Blitz actually lands on Harriet thus giving you the win.

Y/n: 'Ok. Critical Blitz it is then'!

You thought as you prep for your ultimate move. Harriet strikes downward on you, but you parry her strike into a swift kick in her abdomen follow by a flurry of strikes. Chasing after her, you keep her guessing what you'll do next. Bree didn't feel good knowing that the shoe is now on the other foot in Yuusha's favor.

Y/n: "What's wrong jack rabbit? You giving-

Harriet knees you dead on your chin thus causing you to reel back 3ft. Harriet stares daggers back at you.

Harriet: "No one, and I mean NO ONE calls me a jack rabbit"!

She begins to run literal circles around you striking from each side dropping your aura down to 50%. This was bad on your part, because now that means that your Ultimate move has a 20% success rate to connect on Harriet.

With little options left. You decide it was time unload Critical Blitz. With Precog activated you now know where Harriet will strike. You parry all her attacks until she leaves herself open for a left jab to her jaw causing her too reel back in pain. You shrouded yourself in a flurry of elemental spires surrounding your sword. The arena begins to shake violently cause everyone to lose their balance and fall over, or back in their seats.

Y/n: "This...This is the end for you Rabbit"!

You wield your Crimson Fang backwards in drawing motion with energy covering the blade. Harriet didn't waste anytime either. She crouched down in a running start position, her eyes brimming with electric energy. With the strike of a random bolt of lightning surrounding Yuusha, Harriet lunges from her crouching start position into a full sprint! With one final cry You call for your Ultimate move to fire.

Y/n: "Critical Blitz"!!!!

Harriet: "Extreme Speed"!!!!

In a flash of light, the two combatants seemingly vanished from sight...until the dust settles. In a stunning upset...Harriet Bree is the last woman standing! The crowd went wild at the amazing display the huntsman, and the Ace-Op operative gave. But sadly, this means that you lost to the Ace-Ops not once but twice.

Ironwood: "And that's the match! Harriet Bree is the decided winner"!

Harriet was huffing and puffing trying to catch her breath and her footing. If she had use her ability too late, Yuusha would've won the match. She looks down on the now passed out Huntsman, smiling at the fact that she won her bout with you.


Free curses at the top of his lungs as he storms out of the auditorium. Tate and Rachel look down on you in disappointment then they slowly walk away. You couldn't process what just happened. You slowly get your footing and try to stand up as best you can. But then something else happen. You see a hand reach for you beckoning you to grab hold. Harriet looks down with a genuine smile, and....not a mocking one!? You didn't know what to think except take her hand.

Harriet: "That...that was one hell of a fight, Yuusha".

Y/n: "Ye- yeah. That was a great battle. Now abou-"

She put a finger on you lips silencing you. She get in close to your ear and whispered a message.

Harriet: "Meet me in the courtyard, Y/n. Then we'll talk about the wager".

Harriet walks up to her team where she gets a standing ovation for an awesome fight. Marrow commented on your ability to keep up her, something no one has besides the rumoured 'Tortoise' has ever done before. With the victory celebration out of the way, she was anticipating the conversation with you.

To be continued...

RWBY: Try to keep up!!! (Harriet Bree X M. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now