Ch 3: Expect the Unexpected

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After the brutal loss at the hands of Harriet Bree, you thought it be better to go back to your dorm room. Holding on to your left arm, you walk down to your teams dorm. Upon arrival you see that the room was cleared out. Nothing but your belongings remained. You were confused. Free, Tate, and Rachel wouldn't just leave without saying anything. Ok Free definitely would since he hates you. But Rachel would've at least called you first, but this time she didn't.

While scouring the partial empty room, you find an envelope address to you on the nightstand. You had a bad feeling about this. Something was telling you not to read the contents in the envelope but your curiosity got the better of you. You open it to find a letter from your....teammates. You knew this was coming, you just hoped it wouldn't happen.

Dear (Y/n) Yuusha

We hope this letter finds you. Well me and Tate for sure, but know Free. It comes with a heavy heart to write this to you. After the your battles with both Clover, and Harriet: we thought it be best if we moved on. Team FYTR has been nothing but a laughing stock since we were paired together. We hoped to become a team to be respected, but your short comings have really weighed us down, and held us back form reaching our true potential. Me and Tate didn't want this to happen, but Free convinced us that you would be better on your own since you prefer it that way. Again, I'm sorry we didn't include you in the discussion for fear you might argue why this solution would be a bad idea on our part. General Ironwood has already prepared a bullhead for the 3 of us to depart from Atlas Academy to Haven Academy, in hopes we can get a fresh start. Tate wrote that she will miss your hugs, they really did brightened up her existence. From us to you: we leave you the whole dorm. It's the best we could offer since there is literally nothing else too give. We (Me and Tate) wish you the best of luck in you future endeavours.

With love...Rachel.

Ps: Free told me to add that he (in his own words) says "(Y/n). Go Fuck yourself"!!!

With tears flowing down your face, you clenched your heart to try not to burst out crying. But it was difficult. You haven't felt this much pain since you said good-bye to your Mom. The pain was too hard to bare, you close the door to cry in peace. Too bad you forgot to lock it. You hoped that no one would hear you, but what you didn't know was that Harriet was walking up to the door. Getting ready to knock, she hears chokes of whimpering and crying. concerned she slowly opens the door to see you on your knees crying in between breaths.

Harriet: (whispering) "Yuusha"?

Y/n: (sniffs) "Why!? Why am I so cursed? Everything around me, (sniffles) always goes wrong! What did I do to deserve this"!?

Harriet is normally reluctant to stay out of others personal lives, but something in her just wanted her to go in a hold (Y/n) till he was done with his episode. Against her better judgement, she does. She knocks on the door garnering your attention. You didn't turn back. Before you did, you wiped your face of tears, and snot left on your face.

Harriet: "Hey (Y/n). What's wrong"?

Y/n: "My team just up and left me here. Without even saying good-bye".

Harriet: "Damn! I didn't think they were those type of people".

Y/n: "Two of them weren't up for it, but my teams leader Free convinced them otherwise. Well fuck him! And Tate, and Rachel for going through with it! Fuck them all"!

You pound you fist into the carpet hard enough that you began to draw blood from your then injured left hand. Harriet cringed at the sound of your cracked knuckles, but your anger, and adrenaline were so high you didn't feel any pain at all. Hesitantly she slowly grabs your hand then proceeded to look into your eyes with a mixture of worry and anger.

Harriet: "Look at me Yuusha! It's not your fault they bailed on you. If anything, they did you a favor. Hear me out: They left because you lost to me right"?

You try to answer her, but she cuts your reply short.

Y/n: "Yea-".

Harriet: "NO! They left because they were weak! You stood up to people stronger than you, and you never once quit. They on the other hand always ran from fights with other students for fear they might lose. You always chose to fight stronger foes, even knowing the odds are stacked against you! In fact if I recall correctly: You were at the top of combat class before being assigned a team right"?

This time you were able to answer.

Y/n: "Yes".

Harriet: "That's right! And what does that tell you? It means you the have potential too improve upon yourself. You just need someone too guide, and nurture you. And I volunteer"!

She finishes with a smirk and a wink. You didn't know how to respond to that. In fact, you couldn't respond at all. Harriet's proposal came out of nowhere. But remember the wager you made with her.

Y/n: "Hold up! Didn't you say I had to be your 'Boyfriend' if I lost to you"!?

Harriet: "Yep! But I never did say that wouldn't train you either. No matter if you won or lost the bet I'd be training you, and be you Girlfriend regardless".

Y/n: "What the hell"?

Harriet leans in, and gives you a small yet sweet peck on the cheek. She then looks back at you with half lidded eyes with a small yet noticeable blush on her face.

With you dumbfounded, Harriet releases your hand the proceeds to leave the dorm room. In the door frame, she looks back you with a very cocky smirk while also biting the lower half of her lips.

Harriet: "You'd better get for a little slice of hell in your life. Because now the we're together as a training couple, there is no telling how strong you'll get under my watch. ~Bye...Boyfriend~".

Harriet leaves you in the empty space that is now your room. With so many questions floating in your head, only one came to mind.


Random Student: "Hey! Shut up! I'm trying too sleep"!

To be continued...

RWBY: Try to keep up!!! (Harriet Bree X M. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now