Ch 13: Farewell (Grammer fixes)

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You were discharged from the Infirmary a few days after the match; and things were hectic. With a brave face you walk into your classroom littered with confetti with two banners that read: 'Good-bye Abysmal Hero', and 'Yuusha sucks' one above the Holo-board, and the other in the back of the classroom with what appears to be both were drawn with red marker. Can't say you didn't see this coming. Harriet was right. Everyone had it out for you ever since your team flew the coop on you. But fuck 'em.

Once you walked in and took your seat you heard everyone whisper about how you lost the match. Despite that you took an L, some students showed you some respect that going up against Winter took a whole lot of steel. Professor Rom, homeroom teacher does roll call and noticed that everyone was snickering, and laughing in his direction.

As it turns out, he put his jacket on backwards...again. He was always a scatter brain. Datá Rom used to be Ironwood's top scientist; but due to a lab accident, he lost most of his mind and was discharged from the science team and demoted to being a homeroom teacher to save most of his sanity.

Once Professor Rom got himself situated, class went on as scheduled.

Class had ended with all students leaving Professor Rom class with grunts, and added sighs of relief. You got ahead of the crowd, but was stop by Team KNOT with Turquoise out in front waving her signature navy blue fan. You continued to press onwards but Krystal who was giving off a look that spelled 'trouble'. On lookers were about to suspect a fight but instead they...

Turquoise: "Why hello there, (Y/n) Yuusha. What a lovely morning isn't it"?

Noté: "The best morning for the runner up"!

Noté screams aloud in the hallway. The rest of her teammates give a grunt of annoyance but kept their composure.

You didn't know what was happening. First you take a massive L from her and Winter and expected her to rub it in like a sore winner. But instead, she's being a good sport by calling you by your first name as a sign of respect. You couldn't see it, but behind her fan she was smiling... and blushing? Didn't see that one coming.

Y/n: "What exactly do the 4 of you-"?

You get cut off mid question with Turquoise putting her folded fan on your lips. Seriously. Don't girls ever respect personal boundaries here? Guess not.

Turquoise: "We're here to give our proper respects to a fellow classmate, and future partner in the military (Y/n). Our bout was legendary! Most if not all of Atlas, and Mantle witnessed it from the local CCT hub. Some of our fellow comrades here even broadcasted the battle on the Holo-Net, and everyone all around the four kingdoms is calling you the: Argonaut. A warrior without fear"!

You were unaware of this.'s not all bad. In fact this is perfect. If all four of the kingdoms saw the match, that means even if you lost the bout, aside from Atlas that was giving you the boot, three of the other Academy headmasters might consider taking you in.

'Maybe I'll go to Shade Academy. I've always did love the western kingdoms coast. Plus I hear the Faunas there are very friendly'. You thought to yourself. While lost in your train of thought, you feel a deep cold chill looming over your shoulder.

Winter: "What are you thinking about 'Hero'? Hopefully not something about leaving the Academy. The ruling of the match isn't fully decided yet, didn't you hear"?

Turquoise: (giggles) "I'm sorry commander? The match results were final. Harriet, and (Y/n) lost due to him fainting. So what do you mean the match hasn't been decided"?

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