Ch 6: A Challenge Accepted

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Harriet was busy cleaning her locker looking for her 'lucky' sneakers, but to no avail. After the promise she and Yuusha made, it seems that she has become more of a space case. It was noticed by the other Ace-Op members, well except for Clover who knew what she's going through. She continues to throw all her things outside of her locker, this time one of her socks hits Vine directly in the face. A quiet laughter can be heard from the others to Vines dismay. Harriet was running back and forth in the locker room screaming where her shoes were.

Elm: "Um...Hare"?

Elm gets Harriet's attention by grabbing her shoulders.

Harriet: "What is it Elm!? Can't you see I'm- Ah! There they are"!

Harriet picks up her lucky sneakers from the bench behind her. She then realized that she had forgotten she placed them there when getting ready for the ranked match announcements. A noticeable blush can be seen stinging across her face the minute she realized she messed up.

Marrow: "You ok Hare? Being scattered brained isn't like you at all".

Vine: "I agree. If anything you're always ready for just about anything. So why are you so out of place"?

Vine chimes in as he removes one of Harriet's socks off of his face.

Harriet couldn't answer their questions. Nobody but Clover knew why she was like this. She was afraid if the team found out about the deal she made Yuusha, they'd laugh and make fun of her not getting a boyfriend legit. Too bad she didn't know that thanks to the outburst yesterday in study hall, half the academy is talking about the: Hero & the Hare.

Harriet: "I'm sorry guys. But since when did you care about my well being? I can take care of myself".

Clover: Oh we know. It's just that you've been out of it since you and Yuusha lasted talked, which was yesterday. What exactly happened"?

He plays dumb despite the fact that he heard the promise they made.

Marrow: "Wait! Yuusha, and Hare? When did that happen"!?

Harriet: "None of your business, puppy. Now go play fetch with your boomerang".

Marrow: "Oh. Ha ha ha ha ha. HA! First time I heard that from you...Rabbit".

She speed tackles him to his locker holding him by his collar of his coat. Marrow knew Harriet can be playfully aggressive when she and him exchange insults towards each other, but he's never seen her like this, especially after he calls her by the pet name Yuusha gave her. Lighting can be seen running all over her body in an aggressive manner, shutting down anything with electricity.

Harriet: "Listen Marrow! I appreciate what you do for this team as much as the next person. But only Y/n is allowed too call me "Rabbit". Is that clear"!?

Vine uses his semblance to separate the two. Marrow was shook with anger, and fear that his own teammate lashed out against him. Clover rushed over to see if he wasn't hurt.

Elm: "Hare! Have you lost your mind"!?

Vine: "We understand you care about Yuusha, but you shouldn't treat your peers like this".

Harriet saw the damage that she had committed to Marrow. Once she came to her senses. She walks up to Marrow to apologize to him. But before she could, Clover cuts her off.

Clover: "Hallway. Now".

Outside of the locker room. Clover give Harriet a stern talking to about her recent behaviour.

RWBY: Try to keep up!!! (Harriet Bree X M. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now