Ch 7: Release

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After the announcement from Ironwood that Yuusha's one last chance too prove his worth to his school, the odds were stacked against him. Harriet was mixed in her emotions, so much so that she began to run to him on impulse. Clover and his team began too worry about Harriet's emotional state but he decided to give her some time alone with Yuusha so they can works this out.

You left the auditorium, but not without Brine coming to gloat about his achievement at you back for the defeat he suffered at your hands.

Brine: "I gotta say Y/n. Not only did you take the fall like the punk you are, but now you've even dug your own grave without fighting back the claim to the challenge! What were you thinking"!?

You only smirked at the question without turning back to face him. You gave your honest answer.

Y/n: "I don't know Brine. Maybe I'm sick and tired of all of you looking down on me. This could well decide my fate at Atlas Academy. But I won't let that stop me"!

You slowly walk away from Brine after giving your answer, he began to laugh at the fact he may not see your mug again, in fact he threw himself an early farewell party to you. Rounding the corner, you were blitz'd by Harriet slamming you against the wall.

Y/n: "Ow! The Fuck Rabbit"!?

Harriet: "Oh! I'm sorry. Apparently I wasn't paying attention. So I decided too run into the idiot who's about to throw his whole social life away! Why!? Why are you such a gluten for punishment"!?

You were about to answer her question until General Ironwood walks up to the two of you. He looks very concerned. Not at the display, but at you.

Ironwood: "Bree. May I speak too Yuusha alone"?

She loosens her grip on your shoulders timidly backing down.

Harriet: "...Yes sir! And I apologize for this display".

She walks off but not before looking back at you with her sad pink eyes. Harriet turns her back walking away. You thought you could here a small but noticeable sniffle.

Harriet: "Yuusha. You jackass".

She says under her breath as she walks away from the two of you.

You were about reach out to her, only for Ironwood to bring your attention back to him. He tells you that you don't have time to waste and that you must prepare for the battle against Winter. Upon doing this you could see a very concerned look on his face, he placed his hands on your shoulders and let's out a long sigh.

Ironwood: "Look Y/n. You've been a very troubling student of mine, and that's why I've always looked out for you. But I can't step in for you this time. If you lose this will be the last time you set foot here".

Y/n: "I'm well aware of that General. And thanks for having my back all the times before. I never would've continued my training if not for you. I promise to do my best in a week from now".

Ironwood: "And I look forward to when you show everyone, that you still have what it takes. Good luck...young warrior".

Unknown to you and Ironwood, Harriet was watching the display between her superior, and her protege. She felt like sinking into the abyss surrounding her as if she was witnessing you walk out of her life. She was not going to let that happen.

Back in her dorm she wanted to punch anything that was in view, but instead she just went to lay down on her bed. She stares up at the room ceiling with a somber look.

Harriet: "Seriously. Why is he such a gluten for punishment? Does he have career ending death wish?! And against Winter of all people. Just...damn you Y/n".

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