Ch 5: Wait for me

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Turquoise Shell, aka the 'Tortoise' has just appeared outside of Harriet's dorm room as if she was waiting for the moment for her to be alone. Turquoise has one hell of a reputation: being the only freshman to ever beat an Ace-Ops member in under 3 minutes. That's quicker than most drawn out fights.

Harriet: "The hell are you doin' here...Turtle? Here to gloat some more? Y'know that's unbecoming of a lady".

Turquoise: "Why Harriet darling. Is that anyway for you to treat an old 'friend'? I thought the Ace-Ops fastest member was more...well mannered".

Turquoise waves her fan close to her face while greeting against Harriet's snide remark. The two ladies were now interlocked in a stare down as if it decided the fate of the school. Turquoise decides too get on Hares nerves by bring up the past to when they first fought in an actual ranked match 2 years ago.

Turquoise: "Tell me darling: Do you recall the last time we battled"?

Harriet rolls her eyes at the question, annoyed with how many times she's heard it.

Harriet: "Only for the 500th time actually. And boy oh boy does it never...get...old. Seriously! Come up with a story that isn't tired, ok"?

Turquoise only smirks at her sarcastic reply dismissing it with a small wave of her fan. They go on and on about combat skills, birth rights, and pedigrees of famous Huntsman families, most of which Harriet was never that successful with growing up. Her parents were military, but that was nothing special. Almost, if not all wealthy upper class Atlas families are Militant.

Turquoise: "By the way love. I heard on the grapevine that you finally snared yourself a very handsome boyfriend? Now I wonder how long that took you"?

She began to laugh at Harriet albeit behind her fan in a quiet manner. Harriet didn't give her the satisfaction with a reply, so she keep quiet to the question, but not without giving a unsettling stare.

Turquoise: "Not in a talking mood anymore I see? Well then. I best be on my way. I think I'll stop by the head masters office".

Turquoise began to walk away but then she makes a comment that takes Harriet completely off guard.

Turquoise: "By the way dear. Tell that lovely fake boyfriend of yours that I said: He's better off with me".

Harriet slams her door in Turquoises face, but not without shouting...

Harriet: "SKANK"!!!

She then proceeded to scream into her pillow while also ripping into it as well. She then begins to leave her dorm room in search for Yuusha. But before she left. She quickly put on her luck shoes. She later ran out of her room and down the hall to find her boyfriend.

But unbeknownst to Harriet. Turquoise along with three other girls watch the display and as they slowly follow behind her to obverse her. Her other three teammates are call the "Siren Sisters" for all three sisters share the same semblance: 'Call of the Sea' with this ability, each sister sings a hypnotic melody with each version having a different application.

Krystal: The Oldest of the triplets. Her version of the Call of the Sea is called: the Call of rest. Giving her the ability to put any restless soul to sleep. The worse part is: this Semblance is useless against Grimm for the reason these creatures have no soul, or emotion. She fights with a long bow staff the morphs into a sniper rifle.

Noté: Is the second eldest of the three sisters, and her semblance is named: the Call of Stillness. This version of the Sirens call allows her to paralyse her opponent's. But the paralysis has a duration of 1 minute so this means that Noté has to land a decisive blow to win a match. Too bad she isn't much of a fighter. Notés weapon of choice is a purse that a has 3 functions.

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