Ch 4: Trainer & Girlfriend?

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It's been a week since Harriet declared that she would train you, and be your girlfriend. Things have changed that is certain, but that didn't mean you're ok with the arrangement. In fact it's like Harriet didn't know how to be in a relationship. One minute she's happy, the next she goes full on drill sergeant during your time together. It's very confusing to you. But too be fair, you never had a girlfriend either so this was a first for you too.

After talking with the General about your current predicament, he offered a solution: Either transfer to another academy like your teammates, or study under a new team. It's obvious you chose the latter option. But you also didn't know who else will take you in.

During study hall you doing your thing and just being you. It was difficult to continue since the whole area recognized you as the 'Abysmal Hero'. Really. Your short comings have garnered the wrong kind of attention.

Brine: "Look what we have here folks. Its the Failure wannabe hero: (Y/n). Study on how to be further weakling no doubt".

And look at the hair ball that the cat coughed up: It's Brine Stone. The last person you wanted to see, or hear. He's been a sore loser after you bested him in not only basic combat theory classes, but also sparring matches, and as a bonus; you didn't even need your semblance to beat him considering he has low battle awareness, and no skills too speak of.

Y/n: (sighs) "What do you want Brine? Can't you see I'm trying to study in peace"?

Brine: "Oh. I've noticed. But I also see that you're 3 members short. Did you get kicked out of your posse for losing twice, or are you just that pathetic"?

Harriet: "How about you shove off Brine"!

Everyone turns their heads to find Harriet storming her way to your table. As soon she arrives Brines instincts tell him to back off. But he held his ground as too not look weak in front of everyone.

Brine: "Ah shit! It's the Hare! Run! Run everyone! She might just catch up to you.... in five years".

Everyone began to laugh at her due too the fact that she knew what he was referring to.

Harriet: "Very funny Brine. How 'bout you come up with something we've all never heard how you struck out with your ex-girlfriend".

She replied with a shit eating smirk followed by a wink.

Ouch! That hurt you just hearing that. Sure, Brine's Ex was a bitch, but not even she deserved too be mentioned here. Harriet was not holding back, she always told the brutal truth to just about anyone. Even her own teammates.

Brine: "You! You bitch! I'll make y-".

Harriet: "You'll what? Talk me to death"?

Harriet was letting Brine have it. She didn't stop with the insults. And Brine had no figurative ground to stand on, because Harriet kept poking at his insecurities. You wanted to stop her from continuing, but the devil on your left shoulder told you to stay out of it and let her deal with Brine.

Harriet: "Now, how 'bout you take your sorry excuse of a Huntsman in training out of this study hall, and leave me and my boyfriend in peace".

Harriet said the one thing you'd hope she wouldn't spout out. Seriously. Why was it so hard to keep that a secret? Her face went beet red with embarrassment after what she said aloud. You stood up grabbed your study materials and walked away from the situation. Harriet followed suit, but not without quiet whispers among your classmates.

After the situation got defused you and Harriet got back to the usual training spot: the auditorium arena.

With quick slashes through the air, you try to tag Rabbit (Her pet name) at her regular pace. She wasn't going at hyper speed, but she was moving at speeds that the naked eye could try to pin point a speedster. Using the element of wind, you almost tag Rabbit, but to no avail, she strikes you from behind knocking you out.

Harriet: "~Wakey wakey, Yuusha~".

You slowly come back to reality only to find Bree straddling you looking down on you with her trademark shit eating grin and with her seductive pink eyes peering into your soul. You'd be lying to yourself thinking you didn't find this scenario hot. Harriet didn't waste any time trying to make contact with your lips, but you come to your senses and gently push her back to her sitting position.

Y/n: "Rabbit...not now. I'm not in the mood. Especially after you just royally beat me down".

Harriet: "Aw! Party pooper. Ashamed that you lost to your girlfriend who just so happens too be your trainer"?

As she tries to assert her dominance over you, she grabs your arms and plants them over your head. She slowly moves toward your face preparing to kiss you again, until a mans voice can be heard from behind her.

Clover: "Uh... I hope I'm not interrupting something here".

Clover says with a very sheepish expression on his with a hint of blush while watching this some what erotic scene. Harriet groans that her fun was spoiled by her teammate. She gets off of you and runs off towards her dorm room at high speed.

You can't help but feel cocked blocked. And by Clover Ebi of all people! Despite you told Harriet no a few moments ago, you were a few inches away from having your first kiss. And you're rightfully upset, though you kept that to yourself.

Clover: "So... You and Harriet huh? I honestly didn't see that coming".

Y/n: "You know Clover? For someone who's semblance is literally "Good luck", you're giving me a lot of misfortune".

You say in an irritated manner. He on the other hand couldn't help chuckle at the comment you made.

Clover: "Y/n. I need to speak with you about something important.'s about Harriet".

This caught your attention. Clover never talks to anyone about his teammates. But since it involves Harriet, you decided to hear him out.

(Atlas Academy: Harriet Bree's dorm)

Harriet was in a very foul mood. Clover basically just ruined the mood she tried to set for herself and Yuusha. But this didn't stop her from planning her next "training" methods with the poor boy. She has a whole list on what too do, as well as...a book called: How to land a Boyfriend 101?

Harriet: "Ok. So how can I get Yuusha to see me as....a girl. Bleh! I swear I feel sick just saying that"!

Harriet, for as long as she could remember, she considers herself one of the boys. But she was always excluded from games meant for boys. So much so she stopped wearing "girly" clothes at the age of 11. But before Hare could name her next activity with Yuusha, she hears a knock at the door.

Harriet: "Coming"!

As soon as she opens the door, she saw the last person she wanted to see. A young woman with Deep ocean blue hair and Jade colored eyes wearing a very provocatively revealing black tank top.

???: "Hello. Harriet darling".

She says in a posh English accent.

Harriet: "Turquoise Shell"!

She says with venom in her tune.

To be Continued.

Sorry this took so long. But I'm glad this chapter got finished I'm really sorry for how rushed it may seem. But I really wanted too finish this whole chapter. I'll work on releasing the next chapter, but I'm not sure when it'll be finished

see ya'll soon.

RWBY: Try to keep up!!! (Harriet Bree X M. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now