chapter 4

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Mike's POV:

I sat in my room strumming on my guitar, I had to leave for class in a couple of minutes. I sighed and looked at my wristwatch, there was 3 minutes left. I sat the guitar down and stood up. Then I grabbed my backpack and opened the door.

We had English and that meant group work, I headed group work, but my English teacher thought it was great so what to do?

I walked into the classroom and sat down, the teacher arrived soon after and the lesson began.

Micky's POV:

For the first time in weeks I actually wasn't tired, maybe I should go to bed earlier.

"wow Micky, 30 minuets into this lecture and you haven't even yawned" my English teacher said sarcastically.

"yeah i know, isn't' it amazing" I chuckled.

"well let's celebrate with-"

"a nap!" I interrupted the teacher.

"no, with group work" the teacher announced.

The whole class let out a sight including me, it wasn't because I didn't like group work, I actually liked it, but because I didn't want to do anything.

We all got handed different poems, and then we should the person with the same poem as you.

I looked around the classroom, for someone to ask, but before i knew a girl came over and asked me. Unfortunately our poems didn't match and I looked around again.

After a couple of more people had asked without luck I saw Mike, he was seated at his table with a dead look in his eyes.

I got a bit concerned and walked over to him.

"somethin' wrong?"

It was like Mike snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at me, "no, no just thinking"

"Why aren't you out looking for your poem partner?"

"well, to be honest I just hate group work" Mike said with a fake smile.

"what?! I love group work" I said in disbelief.

Mike chickled, "that doesn't surprise me in any way"

"hey! what do you mean with that?"

"nothin'" Mike said and shook his head.

"you can't just say nothing, I need an answer" I said desperately.

"let me hear your poem" Mike said, avoiding the subject.

I sighted and began reading. After I read it out loud Mike grinned, "who should have known"

I looked puzzled at him, he seemed to recognise my confusion and went on, "we're partners"

"ow well, let's go then" I said as I walked out of the classroom with Mike behind me.

"Where are we going Micky?" Mike asked.

I thought for a moment, "I don't know, where do you want to go?"

Mike shrugged so I suggested the library, Mike nodded and so we went to the library.

When we arrived we found a table in the corner of the room.

I was the first to talk, "so, wanna do this?"

"do what?" Mike asked, confused.

"the assignment"

"ow well no, not really"

"just wanted to know if we were on the same wavelength"

Mike nodded understanding and leaned back in his chair.

After some time I broke awkward silence, "you got any sleep last night?"

"yeah, you too" Mike said, referring to the teacher's comment earlier.

I chuckled, "actually yes, I normally don't go to bed before 2 PM"

Mike's POV:

Me and Micky were on our way back to the classroom. We had been talking for about a hour instead of analysing the poem, so I hoped we didn't need it for anything important.

As we walked into the class we interrupted the teacher talking, "now you could be here"

I didn't say anything, but Micky of course couldn't shut up, "sorry, we just couldn't stop analysing the poem, it was all too exciting"

"then maybe you want to tell us what you found out about the poem"

I felt my stomach turned then looked nervous at Micky. He gave a apologizing glare back at me and then looked at the teacher, "uhm we didn't write it down"

The teacher just sighted and said, "okay, just sit down"

I let out a sigh I didn't even know I was holding in and followed Micky over to the only two empty seats left.

The period quickly drifted along and before I knew the bell rang. Everybody quickly stood up and started packing their bags. I did as well and walked out of the classroom.

As I walked back to my room someone called on me, Mike?"

I turned around to see who it was, "Peter?"
"yeah, hallo um you play guitar right?"

I smiled and nodded, "I do in fact"

We started walking again as Peter continued, "just thought maybe sometime we could go over in the music room and jam"

"that sounds groovy" I said and opened the door into my hall waiting for Peter to leave.

"ow, me and Davy-"
I interrupted him awkwardly, "of course" and opened the door wider so he could walk in first.

As we walked into me and Davys room Davy stood up and walked over to Peter, "let's go"

Peter smiled and nodded and followed Davy out of the door.

I jumped onto my bed and closed my eyes, not to sleep, but just to rest my eyes for a couple of seconds.

What to do know?, I loved being alone, but sometimes, like this, I didn't know what to do. I looked around the room and my eyes dropped on my guitar, of course. I picked it up and started strumming, instead of playing the same old songs I played everyday I decided to try and improvise a bit.

first an G, then an C, then an Em, it was easier than I thought. Without hassle I started humming along with the rhythm, and I myself thought it actually sounded good. After some time I started putting words to the rhythm I played, maybe I could write a song, it was easier than I thought, even though I never even thought about writing songs. 

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