32)Perfect Explosions

Start from the beginning

"I haven't."

We all turn to the blonde Josie was talking to earlier. I hadn't noticed him much before but standing beside us with his arm raised in the air, he's got our full attention. With sun-bleached locks, the guy stands almost as tall as Jace but slimmer. I wouldn't call him scrawny but the way he carries himself seems slightly off, awkward like he's still growing into his body. Which would make sense considering how young he looks. The kid has to be a freshman at the most, his features just starting to sharpen and mature.

Lowering his arm, the kid's pale blue eyes bounce between us, his face a stone-cold expression of detachment. "I haven't been drinking. Not yet anyway. I just got here."

Jace tips his head to the side and narrows his eyes at him. "How...what..." Jace pauses before turning to Wilder behind him. "Why's your protege here?"

Wilder shrugs. "Fuck if I know, but the kids got good timing."

"Everyone at school was invited," the kid answers, seemingly unfazed by being the topic of discussion. "But if you need someone to go check on your friends, I don't mind making the run. It's the least I can do for Wild's help with training me."

"Do you even have a license?" I blurt out quizzically.

A crooked grin breaks the otherwise emotionless look on his face while a hint of danger flashes in his eyes. "Does it really matter? I got a better chance at not crashing than the rest of you."

My head jerks to Jace. "I don't like it. He could get in trouble." I look at the kid and offer an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry...." Shit, what's his name?

"Kellen, but you can call me Kell," the kid answers my unspoken question with a grin.

"Okay, Kell," I nod. "I'm sorry, I just can't let you risk it on my behalf."

"It won't be." Kell shrugs. "I gotta go grab some of my stash anyway. The shit people are smoking around here is weak as hell, I can smell it. So, if I'm already cruising, a couple unplanned stops won't be a big deal." He covers his heart with his hand. "Promise, baby girl."

Baby girl?

Jace narrows his eyes on Kell, and I have to hold back a surprised laugh. The kid's a charmer, I'll give him that, but clearly too young. The idea of Jace getting jealous over that is enough to cheer me up, a little.

Noticing the daggers he's receiving, Kell simply smirks at Jace. "Relax, bro. I know she's taken."

I snort at that one. It's unavoidable.

Taking a steadying breath, Jace schools his face into the definition of cool and nods. "If you're already driving then yes, please, check and make sure those two got home safe. They don't live far from here. I'll give you the addresses."

Jace and Kell step away for a moment so Jace can write down Caleb and Ava's addresses. Josie continues to rub my arm, silently comforting me even as my face dries. My heart is still broken for my friends, but my worry over their well being has outweighed that long enough for me to calm down. Even now, as the pain I've caused creeps back into my thoughts, I manage to keep a lid on the waterworks. It may be my party and I can cry all I want, but I don't want to. It's not just my party and Jace doesn't deserve to spend his night consoling me.

Confident I've got my shit together, I jump down from the counter and walk over to Jace as Kell heads off.

Jace wraps an arm around my shoulder. "Let's try and have some fun. Kellen will text me when he knows something."

I nod and allow Jace to get us a couple bottles of water, no longer in the mood to drink. Huddled against his side, we enjoy each other's company while watching Wilder and Travis play another round of beer pong. Eventually, Travis loses and walks off with a tantrum. Wilder begs Jace to play again, even promising to take it easy on him. Jace looks down at me with an unsure expression.

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